Daily Inspiration

The Peace of Your True Self

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Every day can be a restful day. When you place your trust in God, you will be at rest because you will be accepting God’s peace.

The ego does not trust God because it sees God as its enemy. So when you align yourself with the ego, rest is impossible. Your experience becomes a string of problems and challenges to be overcome. The last thing the ego wants is the peace of God, because the full acceptance of God’s peace would be the end of the ego. So when you align yourself with the ego you are choosing against rest and for conflict. This is indeed very wearying.

Today practice stepping back into peace in all your doing. It is indeed possible to be in the middle of the appearance of chaos while being centered in peace. Peace is your natural state. The practice of stepping back into peace is the practice of remembering your Self. In this dream world there will always be temptation to perceive images as real, even for the most advanced teacher of God. Your job in the journey of awakening is to recognize the temptation and step back into peace. In peace you are able to see and accept the true perception that will show you where real meaning lies.

Step back and rest in God today.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
What do you really need? Your real need in every situation is to remember the truth about yourself and others that appear to be around you in the dream. Your real need is to return to the truth that you are Love and nothing else, and that everyone is Love and nothing else.

As you go through your day today, ask yourself frequently, “What is my real need?” Then step back and let your true Self give you the answer. Let yourself rest in the peace and comfort of your true Self. Let the simple, uncomplicated Love that you are very gently return to your awareness and you will see that all your real needs are being met right now. And gratitude will fill your heart and mind.

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