Daily Inspiration

Today We Let Holy Spirit Purify Our Thoughts

…We watch our thoughts, appealing silently to Him Who sees the elements of truth in them. Let Him evaluate each thought that comes to mind, remove the elements of dreams, and give them back again as clean ideas that do not contradict the Will of God.

Give Him your thoughts, and He will give them back as miracles which joyously proclaim the wholeness and the happiness God wills His Son, as proof of His eternal Love. And as each thought is thus transformed, it takes on healing power from the Mind which saw the truth in it, and failed to be deceived by what was falsely added. All the threads of fantasy are gone. And what remains is unified into a perfect Thought that offers its perfection everywhere.” (A Course in Miracles W-pI.151.13:3-4;14)

The seeming difficulty in receiving Holy Spirit’s guidance is merely the effect of preferring the images in the dream to the unity of Love, our true Self. The forms of the world still seem to offer something of value to us. This is a self-deception that keeps us in fear and guilt, for it is the denial of our Creator.

Fortunately, we were given the means to help us recognize that in truth there is no value in any form of the world. What is illusion can have no value. The practice of watching our thoughts and asking Holy Spirit to reinterpret all our perceptions is how we learn to sort the valuable from the valueless. On our own this is impossible, but with willingness to receive Holy Spirit’s help, we can indeed learn to see with Christ’s vision which sees value only in the Love that is the truth in everyone and all things.

Initially it may seem that our appeals for Holy Spirit’s help are halfhearted and that it is difficult to see beyond the forms in the world. But the Holy Spirit accepts our little willingness and uses it on our behalf to bring us His vision. With vigilance and practice, it becomes easier and easier to let the truth of Love shine through and disregard the made up images that have diminishing value to us. With this practice we progressively experience greater peace and happiness. It is worth the effort.

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