Daily Inspiration

Trusting the Truth in Our Brothers

Trusting your brothers is essential to establishing and holding up your faith in your ability to transcend doubt and lack of sure conviction in yourself. ²When you attack a brother, you proclaim that he is limited by what you have perceived in him. ³You do not look beyond his errors. ⁴Rather, they are magnified, becoming blocks to your awareness of the Self that lies beyond your own mistakes, and past his seeming sins as well as yours.

…if a brother’s sins occur to us, our narrowed focus will restrict our sight, and turn our eyes upon our own mistakes, which we will magnify and call our “sins.” ³So, for a little while, without regard to past or future, should such blocks arise we will transcend them with instructions to our minds to change their focus, as we say:

⁴It is not this that I would look upon.
⁵I trust my brothers, who are one with me.

…as our focus goes beyond mistakes, we will behold a wholly sinless world. ⁴When seeing this is all we want to see, when this is all we seek for in the name of true perception, are the eyes of Christ inevitably ours. ⁵And the Love He feels for us becomes our own as well. ⁶This will become the only thing we see reflected in the world and in ourselves. (A Course in Miracles, W-181.1;6:2-5;8:3-6. See also ACIM Lesson 181 Insights.)

We cannot trust our brothers if we believe they are bodies. Bodies cannot be trusted because they are illusions; illusions are unstable and changeable. To trust our brothers, we need to look past the body to the truth in him. He is Love and nothing else. We attack our brother when we believe he is limited to a body. Love is unlimited and eternal.

As we forgive the images of bodies and learn to see past them to the presence of Love. We learn that we are that same Love and united in It. We can trust in Love. It is all that is real. It never changes. It extends Itself without limit. This awareness comes as we forgive the images of separation, harm and loss.

The ability to see a brother truly is in our mind. It is our natural way of seeing. It does not use the body’s eyes. It is Christ’s vision with which our true Self sees every brother. Today we choose Christ’s vision to learn of our oneness in Love with every brother, along with our Creator.

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