Daily Inspiration

Truth Is Union

The search for truth is but the honest searching out of everything that interferes with truth. Truth is. …Yet it can be recognized or unrecognized, real or false to you. If you hide it, it becomes unreal to you because you hid it and surrounded it with fear. Under each cornerstone of fear on which you have erected your insane system of belief, the truth lies hidden. Yet you cannot know this, for by hiding truth in fear, you see no reason to believe that the more you look at fear the less you see it, and the clearer what it conceals becomes.

The Holy Spirit asks of you but this; bring to Him every secret you have locked away from Him. Open every door to Him, and bid Him enter the darkness and lighten it away. At your request He enters gladly. He brings the light to darkness if you make the darkness open to Him. But what you hide He cannot look upon. He sees for you, and unless you look with Him He cannot see. The vision of Christ is not for Him alone, but for Him with you. Bring, therefore, all your dark and secret thoughts to Him, and look upon them with Him. He holds the light, and you the darkness. They cannot coexist when both of You together look on them. His judgment must prevail, and He will give it to you as you join your perception to His. (A Course in Miracles, T-14.VII.2:1-2,5-8;6. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Here is the ego’s chief defense against the truth. It tells us, “Don’t go there. It’s dangerous. You will lose your self.” But what we will lose is only the illusion of a self that does not exist in truth.  We will lose the sense of helplessness, hopelessness and lovelessness that pervades our experience in the world. When we go past the ego’s fear to the truth, we find the Self that is one with God and shares His strength, Love, joy and peace. We give up nothing to remember we have everything.

The ego’s dark defenses are very effective, but not invincible. They are powerless against the Light the Holy Spirit will shine on them if we let Him in. We need only be willing to turn over all our fear-based thoughts to Him for His loving, gentle correction. The Light of Love shines away the darkness of fear.

Today we ask the Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts and bring Love’s Light to our mind so that we can recognize the truth of What we are.

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