Daily Inspiration

Which Guide Am I Choosing?

When you want only Love you will see nothing else. …You cannot really give anything but Love to anyone or anything, nor can you really receive anything but Love from them. If you think you have received anything else, it is because you have looked within and thought you saw the power to give something else within yourself. It was only this decision that determined what you found, for it was the decision for what you sought. (ACIM T-12.VII.8:1,9:4-6)

This message from A Course in Miracles really helps me understand that what I see is either a projection of the belief in separation or an extension of Love. When I see only Love, I am seeing through Christ’s vision. When I see guilt in something outside me, I can know that I have chosen the guidance of the ego. This feedback is very helpful to help me see the difference between how the ego sees and how the Holy Spirit sees.

It is only when I am able to see the barriers to Love for what they are that I become willing to let them go. What I see as the outside world is always a projection of what I behold within. Today my practice is involves recognizing which guide I am choosing. With every thought, am I seeing only Love? If not, I have forgotten that there is nothing else to see. I have a Teacher Who will help me with this all through the day. When I am willing to accept the guidance of this Teacher, I am blessed all through the day.

Mindfulness is a very powerful tool I can use for awakening. As I practice paying attention to how I feel, my level of peace, I get feedback that shows me which guide I am following in the moment. If my peace is disturbed in any way, then I am following the guide of separation. This still seems to be the guide I am prone to choose. But by using mindfulness, I can recognize when I have chosen the guide that leads away from peace and I can choose another Guide. When I choose the Guide given me by my Source, peace returns.

I have observed that when I’m working on a project, I can get into a “get it done” mindset. In this mode I am not at peace and I observe myself pushing to keep going or do just one more thing. But when, through mindfulness, I observe this mindset and step away, I open the door for inspiration.

Many times I have experienced that when I do step away, maybe until the next day or for some period of time, inspiration will come to me that is helpful for me to be more effective in what I am doing. I may have thought I didn’t have time to step away, but the inspiration saved more than the “lost” time. To me this is a reflection in the world that demonstrates to me the value of practicing following the Holy Spirit’s lead in every moment. Today is another happy day of practice.

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