Miracles News

October-December, 2011

A Minister’s Journey

by Rev. Liz Swearsky, O.M.C.

Rev. Liz SwearskyI was recently ordained as a Pathways of Light minister. I wanted to share the highlight of my experience, the final day of the teleconference in which we were ordained, but let me begin by saying that I was a reluctant student. 

One day, about 18 months ago, I was led to the Pathways of Light website, as I was interested in learning about their courses.  I have been a long time student of A Course in Miracles, but was thinking that it was time to expand. I thought that I would leisurely take a course and if felt so moved, to possibly finish my studies to become an ordained minister by my 50th birthday in 3 years.

It would be a sort of coming out, as many of my friends had no idea what A Course in Miracles was. Obviously, Spirit had another idea in mind. 

I met my mind healing partner, Rev. Sharyn Zenz. I think that we were slow to warm up to each other, but as the courses went on, I began to look forward to our conversations and the insight and healing that was occurring as we joined with Spirit. As the seasons passed and the courses took hold, I began to feel that something special was taking place.

This brought a whole new dimension to my Course work. And with Sharyn’s gentle guidance, I felt confident that I was being led on a journey of peace and Love that was initiated by Truth. I wanted to share it with all whom I met. Ministry, at one point, seemed far fetched and out of my reach, but as I stretched my hand out, it was filled with opportunity — for my growth and for those who Spirit chose for me to work with. I do want to mention that I wasn’t consistently working, but I felt Spirit’s desire for me to continue with this so strong, that through miracles, I had the opportunity to complete my studies much sooner than imagined.

So, back to the Sunday of August 28th, 2011… I was preparing for my final class. What made it so tentative and a bit anxiety producing was that this was the weekend that hurricane Irene was set to hit us in Connecticut. Sunday morning the eye of the storm was predicted to pass right over us.

I prepared as best I could, hoping that the connection would last as the ceremony took place and I heard the words that I had been ordained. I got on the phone a few minutes before 10:00 a.m. and chatted with my fellow participants, Claudia, Cathy and Marty. We talked about what we were wearing; Claudia even dressed up her cat for the occasion! Then Sharyn came on, we finished up the last part of our lessons and the ordination began. 

Just at this time, the swirling winds began to pick up and the rain came down in sheets. I was sitting there in my tiny office, feeling like I was in a space capsule ready to take off. Emotionally, I felt like I was in the middle of two worlds. I had never experienced anything as sacred as what was taking place. As my ordination ceremony began, I felt a group of angels surrounding me and filling me with Light. 

They were talking to me, telling me how proud they were and how they loved me so. I felt their energy so strong and saw their golden Light surrounding me. All this occurred as the trees blew and the wind howled. Then I felt the angels place wings behind me. They told me that I was now an “Earth Angel.”

I cannot explain what I felt. The Love was overwhelming. The ceremony came to a close, the storm passed without an electrical failure and I was an Ordained Ministerial Counselor, ready to let go of the ego for the healing of all.

Looking back, the moment was so special, and yet so mundane. I mean I was the only one sitting in that office that I have used so many times before to write emails, file and make copies in. Yet this morning, in the middle of the storm, the room transformed into a cathedral. It was filled with the people I love on the phone thousands of miles away, whose faces I had never even gazed upon yet whom I traveled with on a journey so far, experiencing feelings that only come when unconditional Love is exchanged.

Thank you to Mary and Robert for this awesome opportunity to serve. Thank you to Sharyn Zenz for being a magnificent mind healing partner and thank you to Spirit for guiding me on this miraculous adventure.  I can’t wait to see what happens on my 50th birthday!

Rev. Liz Swearsky is a Pathways of Light minister living in Southington, Connecticut

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