Miracles News

October-December, 2007

An Irresistible Plan: Translation of Pathways of Light Courses into Spanish

by Rev. Annie Arbona

imageThe greatest thing I have learned in the last seven months is that Love’s Call is irresistible, and the response to this Call can become a magnificent adventure. A telephone call to Pathways of Light in mid February and the response to that call gave way to a chain of events that seemed to occur in perfect synchronicity.

When love calls and Love responds to that Call, anything and everything can happen. And everything did. The call and the generosity of the answer have birthed a wonderful project, the scope of which I’m sure we can’t see completely at this time, but already the results are mind boggling.

After the call to Pathways, I immediately began the Ministerial Counseling Courses, which felt so right to me that I knew it was part of a perfect plan. Shortly after starting the courses, the idea of translating them into Spanish burst forth in a moment filled with joy and enthusiasm, as do all projects inspired and directed by Spirit.

I mentioned this wonderful idea to my dear facilitator, Sharyn Zenz, and then we went to Mary and Robert with the news. I think it was quite clear to all of us from the very beginning, that we were receiving an assignment from Spirit. It was confirmed by the joy and excitement we were all feeling. As I sat down for the very first time to begin the translation, I was given the names of helpers who would be giving of their time to get the project going; someone to type, someone to edit, and off we went.

It was amazing to see how everything took off with such ease. Almost simultaneously the first potential Spanish students started to appear, from Puerto Rico, from Miami, and from New York. It has been so extraordinary to see the unfolding of a perfectly ‘calibrated’ plan. At this moment, there are twenty-one Spanish students registered for the courses, and we are almost finished with the translation of the first five courses that make up Step 1 of the Ordained Ministerial Counselor program.

Mary and Robert are becoming very knowledgeable in Spanish language, and one of our students from Miami, Johannys Hartog, is helping with the translation. The bliss that accompanies the assignment from Spirit makes the work most enjoyable and exciting.

And then… there is the gratitude. We are so grateful and honored to be doing this for the Spanish speaking communities everywhere in the world. It is a project born of a Call from Love, and definitely it has been irresistible.

Rev. Annie Arbona is a Pathways of Light minister living in Charleston, South Carolina. She is the Pathways of Light Spanish communicator and facilitates the ministerial training curriculum in Spanish and English.

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