Miracles News

April-June, 2022

Being a Miracle Worker Is Everyone’s True Life Purpose

by Revs. Robert & Mary Stoelting, Co-founders of Pathways of Light

We are all miracle workers in training. We have forgotten our way back but now we know that we have a constant Companion, the Holy Spirit, to lead us back to our true Identity. 

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 283 returns us to the truth of our shared Identity and helps us forgive or let go of our false perceptions of being separate and alone:

“Father, I made an image of myself, and it is this I call the Son of God. Yet is creation is as it always was, for your creation is unchangeable. Let me not worship idols. I am he my Father loves. My holinesss remains the light of Heaven and the Love of God. Is not what is beloved of You secure? Is not the light of Heaven infinite? Is not Your Son my true Identity, when You created everything that is?

“Now are we one in shared Identity, with God our Father as our only Source, and everything created part of us. And so we offer blessing to all things, united lovingly with all the world, which our forgiveness has made one with us.” (W-pII.283.1-2)

Robert and I have been practicing this long enough to know that the purpose for each day is to return to the truth of our shared Identity when we forget. Our job is to practice forgiving ourselves and everyone we perceive as separate from us.

We practice extending compassion and love instead of projecting judgment and blame. We practice letting Holy Spirit teach us how to be truly helpful and remember that as we see our brother, we are seeing ourselves. Sometimes it may take awhile, but every time we practice, it gets a little bit easier. It is just like learning to play the piano. The more we practice, the easier our shared intent becomes.

We have discovered through the years that we are most truly helpful when we practice daily paying attention to our thoughts and noticing when we are not at peace. One of our favorite sayings from the Course is: “I could choose peace instead of this.” It goes on to tell us, “Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter. It must begin with your own thoughts, and then extend outward. It is from your peace of mind that a peaceful perception of the world arises.” (W-pI.34.1:2-4) 

Mary: I recently experienced fear and anger when our 30 year old booklet maker machine completely stopped working while making booklets for one of our Miracles Practitioner courses. We tried many things, but it still would not work. 

After getting upset by the situation, I remembered the important lesson in the course: “I can choose peace instead of this.” I stopped and sat down. I noticed how tense I was and the judgments I was having about this situation.  I took a few slow, deep breaths and then said to Holy Spirit, “I cannot do this alone. I am open to letting my mind be healed.” After softening and letting go of all the tension I was holding on to, I heard. “It is going to be okay.” I then thought, “I can hardly wait to see the good that comes from this.”

We have had many, many experiences in the last 30 years where it looked terrible in the moment, but it always worked out where everyone around the situation benefited and great good came from it.

“…the one responsibility of the miracle worker is to accept the Atonement for himself. The teacher of God is a miracle worker because he gives the gifts he has received. Yet he must first accept them.” (M-7.3:2-4)

Robert: I have learned that anything that disturbs my peace of mind is showing me that I am not identifying with the Love of my true Self. It means that I need to pause, quiet my mind and accept the Holy Spirit’s help to heal my fear-based thoughts. My lack of peace shows me that am not accepting His Love.

Recently I read about an incident where a person I respect was publicly accused of being “a jerk” (among other characterizations). I noticed my body tense up and my heart rate elevate. I was ready to defend his character.

I remembered to breathe and relax. I realized I was identifying with a body and perceiving the “attack” as applying to me. I was feeling unloved and unloving because I was not accepting God’s Love. As I relaxed further, I felt the Holy Spirit covering me with a blanket of Love. I accepted the Love and let It flow through to the person I perceived as the attacker and the one I perceived as attacked. As I let the Love flow, I felt It fill me with Its strength and comfort. My peace of mind was restored.

The most important step in bringing Love to the world is to accept It for ourselves. As we let go of a mistaken belief about our identity, we become more open to God’s Love. Certainty comes with the acceptance of the changelessness of Love.

The more we are willing to accept Love as our Identity, the more effective we are as a miracle worker. We demonstrate through our acceptance that loss and lack are impossible. As we acknowledge the presence of Love in our brother, we support him in His awakening to his true Self. Whether or not he manifests signs of accepting Love is immaterial. The Love we see in him is given him by the Holy Spirit and saved for him until he is ready to accept It.

Recognizing What We Really Want

“[Heaven] is yours today, but for the asking.”

“Ask with desire. You need not be sure that you request the only thing you want. But when you have received, you will be sure you have the treasure you have always sought.”

“Now is all doubting past, the journey’s end made certain, and salvation given you. Now is Christ’s power in your mind, to heal as you were healed. For now you are among the saviors of the world. Your destiny lies there and nowhere else. Would God consent to let His Son remain forever starved by his denial of the nourishment he needs to live? Abundance dwells in him, and deprivation cannot cut him off from God’s sustaining Love and from his home.” (W-165.4:2;5:1-3;6)

Heaven is our Home, for God wills It so. But we have denied Heaven by our preference for specialness. When we ask for Heaven, we are neutralizing the wish for specialness so we can let Heaven be What It has always been — Home.

Because we have denied Heaven, we need a miracle — a change of mind. It is a change in what we treasure. We recognize that all we really want is God’s Love. Now our minds are open to accept What has always been ours. As we accept His Love, It flows through us to bring Love’s blessing to the world. We become miracle workers. As we let His Love flow through us, we experience Its blessing. We feel more peaceful, happy and content. We are fulfilling our only meaningful function in this world.

We can say unequivocally that we are now in the most peaceful, happy and loving time of our life. We credit this to the practice of letting the Holy Spirit heal our fear-based thoughts and welcoming more of God’s Love in our mind.

Robert and Mary Stoelting are Cofounders of Pathways of Light. Website:

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