Miracles News

April-June, 2008

Bodies, Planes and the Way Out

by Rev. Mary Gerrard Lenihan, author of The Mentor Within

image Holy Spirit, speak to me about how A Course in Miracles says, “The world is not left by death, but by truth … “ (T-3, VII. 6:11)

Beyond the body is an illusion of peace, but peace will not be found here while your mind is ransacking itself. No mind without God can envision a beyond the body experience. God will appear to enter your illusion upon death and afterwards; in reality there is no place to enter. Upon death’s entrance into your life in this world, nothing changes unless you decide otherwise. Your mind does not need your current version of your body to have cause and effect.

So, are there etheric, emotional, mental, astral, causal, spiritual … bodies and planes?

They are all “levels” in the illusion that can be released into truth to help you in the world. To think your ego mind can alter these levels in any way that can be helpful is a game of form manipulation; the form is different at these various levels, but the underlying thought of separation from God has not been healed. These levels of perception exist because of the separation experience, which need not be at the forefront of consciousness to have cause and effect. If one is unaware of the thought of separation, any attempt to heal within the thought of separation only brings a possible change in form and an altered experience, but not true healing.

What happens there, on all of these levels?

Everything an ego mind without a dense body wants to make happen. It is a further illusion of freedom unless given to the Mind of Freedom to be released from fear. The ego mind-body is one level of the illusion. The ego mind, less dense body is another level of the illusion.

In the ego mind, less dense body, how long do I stay there?

You are there. You just perceive it as separate levels because you are identified with your physical body in this world. Body identification is weak on these other levels, but still intact. You experience time and space differently as you experience your body differently. Though your form and experience is altered, time and space remain.

Are these planes and other body forms somehow “higher” though still in the illusion?

So it appears. One may experience it as such because of the weaker identification with the body. It may provide a glimpse that you are not a body. But this is not the kingdom of Heaven that I embrace for you — your worthiness lies not here.

How do I get to the kingdom of Heaven? How do I release all “levels” of the illusion and the grievances I hold within these levels?

Stop playing in the illusion. You are playing in death. You are already dead. I am calling you to Life. Your death ensued when you left Me. Your Life returns when you decide you have had enough of death. In this moment, you wake up in Love.

I have experienced moments “out” of the illusion, seemingly out of time and space. What about these experiences?

These are not different levels Mary. You, and others, experience all of these levels within your life in the world now.

Yes, I remember.

What is your experience?

I am taken out of my little perceptions of myself, others, and the world. A solidity of lightness is one way I can describe it. I return to my world different.

The physicality of the world all seems less like truth and more like illusion; the spirit in the world seems more like truth and less like illusion. The two appear to be occurring simultaneously as the physical becomes unreal and Spirit becomes real.

This is helpful, yes?

I find myself more willing, more open to giving over my perceptions to Holy Spirit and be led because there is a sense of reality — real reality. How can this be happening in the illusion?

This is our working ground. Remember, I am in the world, but not of the world. In forgiveness, the last illusion, we are suspended from time and space.

The ego made time and space to solidify its grievances with God; to make them seem real to keep the separation thought happening in the mind.
What are the ego’s grievances with God?

When time and space do not go its way, the ego has a grievance. Of course, fear is the main grievance which it has projected onto God; hence a judgmental, punishing, and distant God. “Who in their ‘right’ mind,” the ego tells you, “would want to have anything to do with such a God?” In suspended time and space you experience the absence of the duality of time and space; there is a glimpse of Oneness that you can take back with you, as you recognize it is you, into the world. Though this Oneness is not of time and space, it can operate in it through forgiveness, through you. You are the means by which Oneness enters the world through forgiveness.

Forgiveness is how Oneness enters the world then, and forgiveness is how we leave the world and enter the Oneness. Forgiveness goes two ways on a

One Way street because it only sees One!

Forgiveness is the bridge to your Self. This is the truth by which you leave the density of the illusion and experience the solidity of Love, the kingdom of Heaven.

Rev. Mary Gerard Lenihan is a Pathways of Light minister living in St. Louis, Missouri. Visit Mary’s web site at: http://www.thementorwithin.com  Mary Gerard Lenihan is the author of the book, The Mentor Within, Let your SELF be seen. You may purchase this book online at the Pathways of Light web site.

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