Miracles News

January-March, 2012

Claim Your Divinity, Not Death

by Rev. Linda Wisniewski, O.M.C.

Rev. Linda WisniewskiI observe in the split mind that when I experience bodily symptoms like throat soreness and difficulty in swallowing, which blocks the passage of food, the ego wants to take these symptoms and make up a story and give it a meaning. Oh, it must be cancer; I (ego) am going to die. This is a story that has been in the family for generations past.

This is a story that is blocking the truth of what I Am and is the story of egoic resistance to healing and returning to Wholeness.

I spent time with Holy Spirit asking to see this differently, to heal me for my highest good and remind me of the Truth.

Message from Holy Spirit:

Claim your Divinity not death. Claim your serenity, not insanity. Claim your sinlessness, not sickness. Claim your sacredness, not your stubbornness. Claim your victory, not your vulnerability. Claim your wholeness, not your weakness. Claim your Spirit, not your stories.

The blockage you perceive is just resistance to remembering the truth. It is a defense against allowing the truth to come in. It is a defense against Love, the Love God has for you. This is what you have a hard time swallowing. You are still holding onto the belief that you have sinned and deserve death as a punishment.

You believe you are afraid of death. But the you that believes that is not the real You. There is no death. What dies is the illusory self. What lives on is the True Self. The mind that split off from God doesn’t really fear death. What it fears is remembering that Life is in the Mind of God, not the body. So while the ego does fear its own annihilation, which is the body, it really is in terror of returning Home to God, just like the prodigal son was in terror of returning home to the father. But like the prodigal son who stayed away for many years, he found upon his return to His Father that his fear was in vain. It wasn’t real. His Father welcomed him with open Arms and unconditional Love. 

This does take time to digest, to swallow, so be patient with yourself. Remember, I, your Holy Spirit, will never force anything down your throat. When you believe from your experience that the miracle will be a blessing and not a sacrifice, the truth will be revealed to you.

Because of your willingness, you now have the experience of the deep peace and Love that bubbles up when you rest in God. Every time you choose to rest in God instead of being tempted by the distractions of the world, God becomes more real to you and attachment to worldly thoughts recedes from your mind. 

One more thing: Maybe your physical symptoms have been a gift instead of a curse. The initial fear response was like an arrow that pointed you in the direction to go within. As a result of going within, you could begin to have the experience of Life bubbling up in you rather than the thoughts of death. Be grateful to the symptoms for pointing you in the right direction. Remember, the body is neutral; it can’t feel pain or pleasure. It’s only a symbol of fear and an invitation to go within where Life is. Life is when you experience the peace and Love which is of God. This peace and Love is your true Identity; it is Your Divinity; it is eternal Consciousness; it is eternal Life in the Mind of God.

Today my lesson was “Love is the way I walk in gratitude.” Thank you, dear Spirit, for reminding me to claim my Divinity, the Truth of Who I Am.

Rev. Linda Wisniewski, O.M.C., is a Pathways of Light minister living in Plymouth, Wisconsin.

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