Miracles News

January-March, 2021

Healing Is Available Now

by Revs. Mary & Robert Stoelting

Robert and I have been focused on mind healing for many years now and it has paid off in greater ways than we could have imagined. One of the most important practices that has helped us is to stop and remind ourselves and each other to pause for inspiration in how to see this differently. This means that we had to stop and listen… The Course puts it beautifully:

… we need only call to God, and all temptations disappear. Instead of words, we need but feel His Love. Instead of prayers, we need but call His Name. Instead of judging, we need but be still and let all things be healed.” (W-p.II.Intro.10:2-5)

Recently our big color printer stopped working in the middle of printing materials for a course. Instead of getting agitated about the inconvenience, we realized that this was the perfect time to stop and pause to feel God’s peace and ever present Love…

After taking the time to step back from this “problem,” we discovered that we needed a replacement part for the printer and that it would take a few days to receive the part. After pausing and choosing peace, we realized that the delay would cause no harm and that we are always carried and our needs are always met. This was not the big deal that we thought it was before going to peace.

The Course reminds us, “Each day, each hour and minute, even each second, you are deciding between the crucifixion and the resurrection; between the ego and the Holy Spirit. The ego is the choice for guilt; the Holy Spirit the choice for guiltlessness. The power of decision is all that is yours. What you can decide between is fixed, because there are no alternatives except truth and illusion. And there is no overlap between them, because they are opposites which cannot be reconciled and cannot both be true. You are guilty or guiltless, bound or free, unhappy or happy.” (T-14.III.4)

It is so much easier to have a peaceful day when we willingly get out of the ego’s squirrel cage of thinking we know what anything means. Each day is so much easier when we remember that we have a Guide in our mind Whose plans always lead us to the experience of freedom from limitation. It shows us that we are Love, forever held in the safety of Its sure protection. Nothing can harm the Love we are, for nothing else is real. We accept the lead of our inner Guide by our willingness to turn over our thoughts and perceptions to be cleansed of all remnants of belief in separation.

As we do this, our mind is healed. We see the world through the eyes of Love. We no longer seek Love where it cannot be found, but accept that we have and are Love. Each time we release a fear-based thought with the Holy Spirit’s help, we experience greater peace of mind. Happiness is our daily experience. We become increasingly willing to follow Holy Spirit’s lead instead of the ego’s plans as we experience the blessings His plans bring.

One area that came up for us recently is to notice if we lose our peace when we hear about the daily actions of our current president. After noticing our unpeaceful response, we opened the Course and found this:

“Every interpretation you would lay upon a brother is senseless. Let the Holy Spirit show him to you, and teach you both his love and his call for love. Neither his mind nor yours holds more than these two orders of thought.” (T-14.X.11:4-6)

As we continue to practice noticing our responses to what we think we see in the world, we are strengthening this important habit of letting the Holy Spirit help us see the world through His eyes. Each present moment of every single day becomes another opportunity to reinforce the remembering that healing is available now, not sometime in the future. 

“We can be happy now, if we so choose. It is always our choice. This is what it means to “Be vigilant only for God and His Kingdom.” (T-6.V.2:8)

As we all continue to practice this vigilance together, we help ourselves and we help every part of the Sonship. This is our purpose now. What a happy way to live this way each day of our lives in service to ourselves and every brother.

Revs. Robert and Mary Stoelting are co-founders of Pathways of Light over 28 years ago. They reside in Ormond Beach, Florida, where they, along with a Pathways of Light team, continue to operate the office and publish the quarterly Miracles News Magazine.
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