Miracles News

July - September, 2009

Healing Through Service

by Revs. Robert & Mary Stoelting

image For the past few months we have been spending much of our time doing the post-production audio and video work for two remarkably healing three and four day workshops given last summer at Pathways of Light, plus a very helpful audio book on healing family relationships written and narrated by Rev. Myron Jones.

The sale of the property in Kiel, Wisconsin, has not yet occurred, so we are receiving the opportunity to strengthen our trust muscles. It was not a coincidence that the four day workshop by Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira was all about the six stages in the development of trust discussed in the Manual for Teachers.

We feel that Holy Spirit gave us one of the greatest gifts possible when we were given the opportunity of preparing these eight life-changing DVD’s for people to view in their own homes and practice for themselves what everyone experienced who came to the workshop. We felt like two of the most fortunate people on earth to have the content of this powerful four day workshop, “Undoing the Ego II — Taking It to a Deeper Level,” reinforced day in and day out.

Nouk and Tomas shared with everyone that they were given this workshop by the Holy Spirit to further the healing of their own mind and that their healing would increase even more as the whole group did the work together. The participants who shared in deep honesty and sincerity not only helped all of us in their sharing but also reinforced their own commitment to awakening to the truth.

As we worked on each hour of this workshop, our level of trust was strengthened and reinforced. We were filled with gratitude to witness the deeply honest sharing of so many committed people willing to look at their barriers to Love and share their process of relinquishing the ego. Remarkably, they shared at deep levels while it was being videotaped for us all to witness and be healed by their demonstration of taking it all to Holy Spirit for healing.

We feel great gratitude to do our part in Holy Spirit’s plan of making this awesome four day workshop available to you and all ACIM students to view again and again. As we witnessed many times in our production process, the development of trust content was perfect for us during these past few months. We really do get all the help we need to support our awakening as we truly want it.

We wish to thank Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira for their quiet listening to Holy Spirit as they led us ever so gently in this remarkably healing workshop. Their willingness to openly share intimate experiences from their personal process of learning to apply the Course in their lives inspired everyone present. It is a wonderful example of teaching by demonstration that can accelerate healing for us all.

We also wish to thank the many participants for their deep and heartfelt modeling of true honesty and willingness to wake up to the truth together. We thank as well all the people who will participate in the ongoing healing that this four day workshop will generate as “time” goes by. As each of us heals, we all heal. We all go home together.

This workshop truly is part of the celestial speedup that Jesus talks about in A Course in Miracles. It provides many tools that help us move beyond studying the Course to living it. When we give our life to God, amazing circumstances show up to relieve the suffering and pain that we once believed in. If you wish to purchase this four day workshop to participate in this undoing the ego process, go to http://pathwaysoflight.org/polshop/product.php?productid=16269 or call 1-800-323-PATH.

Revs. Robert and Mary Stoelting are co-founders of Pathways of Light. They live at the Pathways of Light Center in St. Cloud, Florida.

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