Miracles News

January-March, 2005

Highlighted Minister — Rev. Myron Jones

Interview of Rev. Myron Jones, O.M.C.

Rev. Myron JonesThis month we are highlighting Pathways of Light Minister Myron Jones, who contributes to an ongoing Inner Healing Journal titled, “Together We Light the Way” on the Pathways of Light web site. She is also author of a delightful and inspiring book, “A Journey of Forgiveness.” With the book comes a companion DVD and CD, which Pathways includes as gifts of gratitude to Pathways of Light members. The following interview includes questions and Myron’s answers:

Q. Since your completion of the ministerial training, what have you done to continue to strengthen your connection with Inner Guidance?

I have strengthened my connection with Inner Guidance by making God the center of my life. I begin and end my day with meditation as often as I can. I keep the tapes from course 901: Introduction to Miracles Practice in my car and listen to them frequently while I drive. I have continued to do my daily ACIM lessons. I stop during the day just to breathe in the peace of God. I stay aware of my thoughts and emotions and when I experience dark thoughts, I take them to Holy Spirit for healing immediately.

Q. How has strengthening your connection to your Inner Guidance helped you in your daily life?

I’ve noticed that strengthening my connection to my Inner Guidance has helped me to let go of guilt, anger, fear — all of the dark thoughts that used to be a constant part of my life. Now they are only momentarily part of my life. I am so much quicker to recognize them for what they are, and so much more willing to let them go now. I also feel like I am never alone. I used to think that I was having to make all these changes by myself. It was very scary.

Q. What are some of your experiences regarding changes in your perception as you continue giving all your perceptions to the Holy Spirit to be healed?

One of the most significant changes I have experienced because of a change in perception occurred as I began to see my life as a script I wrote. I began to see very clearly that I did not become the person in this script. Understanding this allows me to release a lot of fear and guilt. Not only does this open the way to joy for me in my life, it allows me to interact with others in a much more positive way. Before, everything I said and did went through the filter of fear and guilt. For instance, I would sometimes feel suspicious of other people’s motives, even when they were trying to love me, because I didn’t accept that I was lovable. Through not accepting their love I was denying myself that joy and also I was teaching them that they were not lovable either.

Understanding that I do not have to live in fear just because I find myself there has been a true gift. I have total control over my emotions because I have total control over my thoughts. So, even though I still have excursions into fear, I quickly give it over to Holy Spirit, and I am able to see it differently. Sometimes the fear is gone instantly, sometimes it gradually subsides as I loosen my hold on the thought.

I have become very aware that there is nothing outside of me that can affect me, and in fact, since I exist in God and God is all there is, there is nothing outside of me. First I have accepted this on an intellectual level, then I have noticed how this idea impacts my daily life. When I feel angry with someone or a situation, I bring myself to the truth by remembering that my anger does not stem from something outside of me. My anger is a result of my thoughts. This is the place where I can make a change. This is the place where I begin my work. This is the only place where I can make a difference.

It is the same way when I feel sick. I know that sickness is not caused by germs, or by something I ate, or by anything outside of myself. Sickness is a result of my own mistaken thoughts, and since I know this I can begin the healing process through opening my mind to Holy Spirit and asking Him to show me a different way of thinking. It requires great vigilance on my part to do this consistently. I get better at it as I practice it.

Q. How is the Holy Spirit helping you with healing your mind and with your ministry?

After I was ordained, I surrendered my ministry to God and offered my services to Him without any exceptions. Evidently, setting that intention was all that was needed because He keeps sending me opportunities. I just try to stay open to His guidance and focused on what He tells me to do. I now am facilitating two ministerial students. One will be ordained in May and the other in July. This has been a real joy, and my favorite part of my ministry. I notice that as I offer my services, I am healed.

I am facilitating a workshop based on Kenneth Wapnick’s treatment of the 50 miracles principles as part of my ACIM group study. I am also doing an in-depth study of course 906: Healing Through Forgiveness as a group and plan to do other 900 courses when we finish this one.

Q. What form is your ministry taking right now in your life as you continue to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit with all your daily decisions?

I am now on a regular rotation to give sermons at the Lake Charles Community Church of the Brethren. I give a sermon every third week. I ask the Holy Spirit what He wants me to say and then I try to quiet my mind so that He can send me His thoughts. We’ve got a pretty good partnership going here. Not only is this giving me an opportunity to serve my brothers, it is also helping me to become a better channel for Spirit through regular practice.

Sometimes I feel led to write something, either for the Miracles News, on the Inner Healing Journals or to someone I correspond with by e-mail.

I am now doing ceremonies. I have performed a holy union and a wedding. I have two more wedding ceremonies scheduled soon. I did not seek this out because they can be time consuming and I don’t have much time, but they have come into my life so I can only assume the Holy spirit brought them to me for a reason. I have been surprised to discover how much I enjoy doing them.

I also created a Spiritual Awakening ceremony for the group that meets at my house for A Course in Miracles study. I wanted a spiritual ceremony for this group to help cement our commitment to our spiritual work. It was a moving experience and I am glad that, although I had not been interested in ceremonies, I remained open to Holy Spirit’s guidance, because these ceremonies are enlightening my life as well as the lives of others.

Q. Get quiet and go to the Holy Spirit. What do you receive about how you can be more helpful to your brothers and sisters on our mutual journey of awakening?

Learning to listen and be open to guidance to the Holy Spirit is something I work on every day because I understand how important it is if I want my ministry to grow in a positive way. I understand that my doubts and fears are just another attempt by my ego to stop this process and I want to give that up. I also understand that I need to devote more time to quiet listening. I need practice doing this. It is so essential and I have neglected it because it is not something that comes easily for me. My guidance in this is that I can do it and that it doesn’t have to be hard and as I practice listening it will, in fact, become as rewarding for me as anything I “do.”

Rev. Myron Jones is a Pathways of Light minister living in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

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