Miracles News

October-December, 2014

Holy Spirit, a Voice I Can Trust

by Rev. Michael Graves, O.M.C.

Rev. Michael GravesRecently I had one of those days that didn’t quite seem to make sense. At least not at first glance. Have you ever had one of those days? What these days often expose to me is the fact that there are always unseen energies of Love at work on my behalf, whether I am aware of them or not.

I enrolled in the Pathways of Light Ordained Ministerial Counselor program and I was getting ready to attend a teleconference training that was scheduled to begin at 6 a.m. It was a required course for my graduation/ordination that was scheduled for September of 2014. As usual, I had really enjoyed doing the lesson and I was excited about going over it with my fellow candidates and the POL staff ministers. So I got out the binder and all of the work I had completed and got ready to make the call.

With about three minutes to go before I had to check in, I just happened to glance over at my course schedule and noticed that I had prepared for the wrong course! I double checked the schedule which confirmed my mistake. I got that instant feeling of fear, dread and confusion shooting through my body as I realized what had happened. The course I had studied for was scheduled for the next training call in two weeks. How did I mix them up?

In a panic, I called the facilitating minister and to my surprise, she answered. She couldn’t talk very long because I could hear my classmates checking in on the teleconference line in the background as we spoke. I quickly explained to her what had happened and she said, “Oh Mike! I am so sorry to hear that!”

In the few seconds she had to talk she said, “The only thing I can think of is that you will most likely have to take the course when it is offered again, which is with the next group and move your ordination date to November 2014.”

I had developed a very strong bond with my current classmates and I was saddened to think of having to let them go and join a different group. I can’t begin to tell you what my inner critic (ego) was saying to me about myself at this point.                           
I started thinking about all of the other times I had “messed up” in some area of my life and how those people who had been so eager to point out my mistakes time and time again, might have actually been right about me. Of course, I knew it wasn’t really true but those old feelings can come rushing back at times like these.           

Here is the really cool part of the story. In the weeks just before all of this happened I had been struggling with some nagging feelings of fear, doubt and questioning of myself about what I am doing and why I am really doing it. Pretty normal stuff right? I actually think it is a good idea to stop occasionally and check in with Spirit to be sure we are doing what we are doing for the right reasons. But this was more than that. It was really starting to get me down. So, as I have been trained, I asked Holy Spirit to help me to see this differently and help me to return to peace. 

The very next day I read something that totally confirmed to me that I am right on the right track and doing exactly what I am meant to be doing at this time. The confirmation came as a lump in my throat and tears welling up in my eyes as I read. It was one of those rare, comforting spiritual experiences that I have had from time to time.

You will never guess where I read the words that gave me the powerful experience and confirmation I was looking for. That’s right, it was something that I read as I was preparing for the “wrong” lesson.

Apparently, Holy Spirit felt that it was important for me to read something I needed to read when I needed to read it, and wasn’t the least bit concerned about how it would affect the ordination schedule.

As it turned out, unbeknownst to me at the time, there was another student that had made the exact same mistake I had made. Another student had fallen ill the night before the call and a couple of other problems occurred with the phone lines etc. that made it necessary to schedule a make-up session. The session was conducted a few days later and all of us were back on schedule!

So what have I learned from all of this? What I have learned is that there is a divine plan that I can trust. Come to think of it, there always has been. I don’t know about you, but there has never been a single event in my life that hasn’t somehow worked itself out in the end. I wasn’t always thrilled with it at the time, but I can see the Divine wisdom in all of it.

Rev. Michael Graves, O.M.C., is a Pathways of Light minister living in La Quinta, CA. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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