Miracles News

April-June, 2004

I Was Re-minded of… “Love Ye One Another”

by Rev. Therese Anne Ward, O.M.C.

Rev. Therese WardThere is a motion picture that is said to show the passion of a man who lived 2,000 years ago. Talk is, it is an extremely violent and bloody movie. From past experience I have learned that when I see such things, I have nightmares and flashbacks for weeks after. Yet this was supposed to be the story of God’s Son’s death and resurrection. I was conflicted; to go, or not to go. I affirm, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.” Taking my partner, Holy Spirit, I affirm, “Spirit go before me, make straight and easy my path; translate my perceptions to truth.” I seat myself in theater number 9.

He seemingly had agonized in a garden, alone. I was re-minded of the times I seemed to sweat blood, alone in my agony of being betrayed. Life is not supposed to be this way. Help me God, help me!

He seemingly was unjustly condemned to die. I was re-minded of the people in Iraq and elsewhere, condemned to die, labeled terrorists or other such.

He seemingly was scourged and forced to carry his cross. I was re-minded of the children born with fetal alcohol syndrome, aids babies, sexual abuse victims, starving and homeless millions and my own crosses to bear. Life is not supposed to be a bed of thorns.

He was depicted carrying his cross through the streets, bloody, beaten and near death; being jeered at and tortured, bearing all suffering. I was re-minded of the lesson he was teaching. You are not a body, you are eternal Life. See: I have overcome the world’s belief that there are bodies that can attack and suffer; and so can you.

He was seemingly executed by means of crucifixion. “Father why have you forsaken me?” I was re-minded of the wailing of mothers clutching the bloody bodies of their dead and mangled children. People dying, drenched in blood in Oklahoma City bombing and New York City 9-11 and the citizens of Baghdad being blown to bits. Nothing had changed in 2,000 years, in the world of man’s inhumanity to man.

He had a crown of thorns on his head, seemingly, profusely dripping blood over his swollen, disfigured face. There was not an inch on his body that was not gouged open, his blood flowing down the cross, spewing over the barren earth. I was re-minded of eight hours each day spent in makeup, of all the pixels of light it took to make this illusion.

“Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” I am re-minded that in the world, forgiveness is the only way to At-one-ment without suffering.

He seemingly died on the cross. I was re-minded of his words, “You do not take my body. I have the POWER to lay it down and take up again.” In other words, there is no death. The world believes there is; he demonstrated otherwise.

His body was placed in a tomb. I was re-minded of the steel blue coffin bearing the body of my 32 year old sister; a victim of the war on cancer. Re-minded of the numerous bodies in flagged draped coffins, carried through the streets, today, in memory of those hailed as heroes of the war on terror.

The stone was rolled back and it seemed his bloody body disappeared, leaving only burial cloths behind; then he reappeared in a radiant body. I was re-minded of seeing my father, mother and sister after each of them died, and of the many stories of others who had seen their loved ones after they passed from this world. I was re-minded of a teaching “dream” I once had in which my five year old son fell to his death, impaled on an iron fence. In the midst of my agony, I heard his laughter, and looked up to see him happily walking down the sidewalk towards me, with his six year old sister. I ran to him and embraced him for dear life, crying tears of joy. He then stood back and laughed at me and said, “Don’t you know you can’t die?” Well, I knew after that experience!

During the movie I noticed that I was indeed at peace. During the movie I had awakened to the truth that it’s all in mind; that matter reflects mind. I realized I was in the peace of God. Indeed, all was one, silent peace.

This morning my husband and I sat for our daily reading of what I call, A New Word for a New World; actually it’s A Course in Miracles. The reading was my confirmation of truths revealed. “When you equate yourself with a body you will always experience depression. When a child of God thinks of himself in this way he is belittling himself, and seeing his brother’s similarly belittled.” (T-8.VII.1:6-7) I invite you to check it out. See your Self with/in Holy Spirit’s vision.

Rev. Therese Ward is a Pathways of Light minister living in Cold Spring, Kentucky.

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