Miracles News

January-March, 2023

Learning to Welcome Love

by Robert and Mary Stoelting, founders of Pathways of Light

The world we see is a mirror that shows us what we believe is real. The perception of a world outside is a projection of our beliefs. This is an important key that the Holy Spirit uses to show us where our mind needs healing.

If the world we see seems to make us feel unhappy, fearful or unloved, we are being shown a belief that needs healing. If we practice bringing these perceptions to the Holy Spirit for His loving correction, we step forward on our journey of awakening to Love. Love is ever present. It is What we are.

We have induced a dream of lovelessness by identifying with the ego thought system of separation from God’s Love. But the Holy Spirit will gently help us awaken from this dream. He shows us the Love beyond the appearances if we are willing to accept His help. He helps us respond to calls for Love which we may see in others. These calls represent our own calls based on our belief in lack of Love.

Mary: I had an experience recently that showed me where there was a need to heal my mind. One morning we turned on the television to catch the weather report. What came on the screen was a video of three policemen punching a teenager who was on the ground. He looked unconscious and didn’t seem to be a threat to the policemen. It seemed shocking to me that they just kept punching him. I found myself tensing up and judging the policemen.

Fortunately I noticed how judgmental and tense I was feeling. I paused and took a deep breath… and asked, “Holy Spirit, how would you have me see this?” … I was quietly reminded of the eternal and changeless innocence of these three policemen. I was reminded that the ego’s world of fear and attack was just a dream and could never be the eternal truth of these three men. 

In Workbook Lesson 250 we are told, “Let me behold the Son of God today, and witness to his glory. Let me not try to obscure the holy light in him, and see his strength diminished and reduced to frailty; nor perceive the lacks in him with which I would attack his sovereignty.

He is Your Son, my Father. And today I would behold his gentleness instead of my illusions. He is what I am, and as I see him so I see myself. Today I would see truly, that this day I may at last identify with him.”

As I keep practicing day by day, I continue to learn that Love has no limits, being eternal and changeless. I am called to return to the truth of Love’s oneness unceasingly. I answer the call by accepting the Holy Spirit’s help to heal my false beliefs and welcome the Love that is ever present.

How Do We Welcome Love?

We welcome Love as we are willing to remember that God is one and it is His Will that everything He creates is one with Him. Separation is not His Will and is therefore impossible. Because this world comes from the belief in separation, all our perceptions in the world that are based on this belief are false. This whole world can be completely undone by withdrawing belief in separation. But because we believe in separation, it is real to us and to withdraw that belief we need help from outside that belief system to guide us back to Reality. That is the Holy Spirit’s role in our mind. Our belief in lies has confused us about the truth. We need to learn to turn to the Holy Spirit, Who will help us out of this confusion and avoid pain.

Remember that what we believe is true for us. That does not make it true in reality, but we experience it as true because of our belief.

Robert: Recently I had an experience in which I had been told information and I believed it was true. I relayed the information, fully believing it was true. Then I learned from a source with a bigger picture that the information I had received was only a potential for truth sometime in the future but not yet a “fact” in this world. With this new information I changed my belief so what had seemed to be true was no longer true for me.

This second source of information could be likened to the Holy Spirit in our minds. The Holy Spirit sees all of totality. From this perspective, He is able to bring us a bigger picture, if we are willing to receive His insight. This allows us to recognize where we have been believing in a falsity. “His Voice will teach you how to distinguish between pain and joy, and will lead you out of the confusion you have made.” (T-7.X.7:3)

No one believes in a lie they recognize as a lie. And so with the Holy Spirit’s help, we can let go of our false beliefs and learn to accept into our minds only what is true. That is our only need: To let go of the false and accept only what is true into our minds. This is how we return to the Heaven of our unity with Love.

When we let the Holy Spirit guide our perception, we see no one as a body and do not confuse the behavior of the body with the Son of God. The Son of God remains as he was created — Love and nothing else. It is this and only this the Holy Spirit sees in all our brothers.

Why is seeing our oneness with our brother so important to our awakening?

It is important because we need to return to the truth that Love is one. Being one, Love cannot perceive separate things. It cannot prefer one thing over another, value one thing more than another and be Itself.

Love gives itself equally to all. God, being Love, gives Himself equally to all His Sons and so His Sons are one. To know our Self as God created It, we must see the Love that is the same in all things. Love sees past differences to the oneness of Love in everyone.

The ego is a thought system that makes up a world with countless different forms so that it appears justifiable to value one thing more than another. This is just a typical ego mechanism to hold separation in place. We are being told not to believe the ego’s lies, not to let the ego thought system be our teacher.

We do have a Teacher in our mind Who will always show us the vision of Love with perfect impartiality. As we listen to this Teacher, we will learn to embrace the Love that is in all things and is all that is real. We will experience the inclusion of the truth in all things as our one Self. “If you are to be conflict-free yourself, you must learn only from the Holy Spirit and teach only by Him. You are only Love, but when you deny this, you make what you are something you must learn to remember.” (T-6.III.2:2-3)

Here is perfect safety. As we identify with the vision of the Holy Spirit that shows us the reality of Love, our only response to every experience, every perception, is to embrace the Love in it, knowing it is our own. Form has no meaning of its own. We return to peace as we let the Holy Spirit teach us the only real meaning, which could only be Love for only Love is real.

It only seems difficult to follow the Holy Spirit’s universal teaching because there are still some beliefs that we treasure and want to keep. If we believe we are the ego, then giving up our unique individuality seems to be loss.

The Course is here as an instrument of the Holy Spirit to gently and patiently teach us that the ego offers us nothing of value. It is teaching us where we can find the lasting happiness and Love that we thought we lost. This teaching has two parts. One helps us undo our mistaken beliefs in what is valuable. The other teaches us the value of the knowledge of oneness we have thrown away. We will only release something if we believe that by releasing it we will gain something of greater value. Thus the Course offers us a means to give up what is truly valueless and accept what is truly invaluable — the Love of God.

The Holy Spirit tells us, “Teach only Love, for that is what you are.” (T-6.III.2:4) As we practice extending only Love, we are teaching It and learning It. This is where our true safety lies. As we let go of the ego thought system which is an attempt to attack God’s oneness, Reality can dawn upon our mind. Within God’s Reality comes a deep sense of safety and well-being — a knowing that all is truly well. Nothing can harm or be harmed. All are truly safe, no matter what nightmares anyone may be dreaming.

Jesus tells us, …“your salvation lies in teaching the exact opposite of everything the ego believes. This is how you will learn the truth that will set you free and will keep you free as others learn it of you.” (T-6.III.4:1-2)

That is what our job is now, learning and teaching the exact opposite of everything the ego believes. The ego believes in separate bodies. The Holy Spirit knows only oneness. The ego believes we are alone and vulnerable. The Holy Spirit knows, “Your Godlike mind can never be defiled.” (T-6.III.1:6)

Your Godlike mind is Love. Your Godlike mind is What you are. As we are willing to relinquish attack, which is the ego thought system, we return to remember that we are Love. We teach peace by being peaceful, knowing we are safe in the oneness of God.

Robert and Mary Stoelting are Founders of Pathways of Light. Web: http://www.pathwaysoflight.org Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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