Miracles News

January-March, 2023

Mind Games and the Miracle I Need Do Nothing

by Rev. Bill Poppa, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

In the song “Mind Games” John Lennon sings “Love is a flower. You gotta’ let it… You gotta’ let it grow.” This simple lyric seems nice, and it works well in the message of the song itself. However, the simplistic truth in the lyric is more powerful than just a first impression of it.

Often times I experience conflict and confusion on the small things I encounter in everyday life. From a practical standpoint, I deal with them in quick fashion and there is no perceptual loss in my peace as I navigate the solution. In fact, any perceived problem always resolves itself, because my mind does not bother to judge the situation in need of a rational solution. For example, a parking spot is inevitably available in a crowded lot; or the slow-moving checkout line does not move to my liking, yet I’m out of the store with time to spare. There are many incidences like this in any given day and my thinking mind does not labor to resolve these minor inconveniences, they simply resolve themselves in the unfolding.

But what about the apparent larger and seeming more consequential problem that arises unexpectedly, one that serves a greater inconvenience with a demonstrable consequence?

Just this kind of unexpected problem presented itself last night. I co-facilitate Pathways of Light’s “Listen and Receive” program. We meet once a week at 6:30 pm local time on a conference call. We have many people who take part regularly, and often, there are first timers at any given time. The call is set up ahead of time and those who wish to take part dial in to attend and share in the lesson and fellowship.

My co-facilitator and I always dial in early to set up the call by being host and taking control of the software for a seamless experience. There are the occasional technical difficulties for sure, but inevitably they are easily corrected, or are not enough of an issue to be disruptive. Not last night.

We quickly discovered that the software would not allow us to take control of hosting. Without a host, background music plays incessantly and anyone who is speaking has to shout over the music in order to be heard. Shouting causes distortion and further muffles the speaker’s voice. To say the least, it was an unpleasant situation. I experienced mild stress and began to have thoughts of being a victim of technology. To make things more stressful, people were joining in as this was happening, and a sense of helplessness and embarrassment was creeping into my awareness.

We spent 15 minutes trying to troubleshoot to no avail. Accepting the fact, the software malfunction was not to be resolved, we kept our sense of humor in the face of our shared interest in handling a planned session. The participants, unsurprisingly, were completely understanding and cracking jokes as well. It turns out, we experienced a camaraderie in the middle of a seeming problem that allowed us all to bond in a way that was miraculous. A seamless call is hoped and is planned for, but the unfolding turned out to be not only an opportunity to practice forgiveness, but a gift far greater than the best laid plans.

Having a relationship with my Inner Teacher is the most important relationship I have. My Inner Teacher sees only innocence and the changeless reality of God’s Love in all things. Staying vigilant for judgment thoughts so I can let them go as soon as they arise is my responsibility. After that, I need do nothing, because everything is perfect once I turn my upset over.

My True Self knows that is the way Love grows. Love, not fear, is the peace of an abstract mind. Love is Who and What we are and is our natural inheritance. Love knows Itself and sees only Itself in everyone and all things. I do not need to learn Love. I just need to awaken to it. It is a recognition, not a getting.

My True Self is perfect Love, and It is the flower that grows. Its fragrance is God’s scent that permeates all things. It is the Wisdom that does not come from my personality self. Rather, it comes through my personality self whenever I remove the obstacles to peace. It is hard to believe that the first obstacle to peace is our desire to get rid of it. The Course says:

“The first obstacle that peace must flow across is your desire to get rid of it. For it cannot extend unless you keep it. You are the center from which it radiates outward, to call the others in. You are its home; its tranquil dwelling place from which it gently reaches out, but never leaving you. If you would make it homeless, how can it abide within the Son of God? If it would spread across the whole creation, it must begin with you, and from you reach to everyone who calls, and bring him rest by joining you.” (T-19.IV-A.1:1-6)

Be it something as small as finding a parking spot, or as large as a life changing event, I need do nothing once I remember to listen to my Inner Teacher. It is without effort the large is small and the many are few. Typically, there is no specificity coming from my True Self. It is the Love that guides my actions, for Love is the content that envelops all things. It is the connection of all things I experience. I develop a greater trust in this kind of unfolding.

Oh, we still had the call. It was with Spirit as our Guide, we changed phone lines. That meant everyone had to hang up and call in on a new number. Everyone on the call called back in. We even had someone from overseas that took the time to do so. It was past midnight his time. The sharing was wonderful, and everyone tasted a little morsel of eternity and was pulled out of time and felt the changeless peace that we are as one. It is not outside circumstances that decides my true happiness. It is my inside condition that does. I am grateful to know I have the power to choose my right mind over my ego thought system.

My friend Ricki Comeaux said, “I decide to see God, or I decide not to see God. It has become that simple.” How right she is.

Rev. Bill Poppa, O.M.C., is a Pathways of Light minister living in New Orleans, LA.
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