Miracles News

January-April, 2024

My Divine Toolbox

by Rev. Dan Strodl, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Over the years I’ve collected many useful tools that have helped me create a life that is peaceful and happy. Here are some of my favorites:

Holy Instant — Whenever I notice I have a fear or judgment, I step back and give it to the Holy Spirit for healing. I say, “Holy Spirit, heal my fear based thoughts” and the fears and judgments disappear. That’s the Holy Instant. The more vigilant I am for my fears and judgments and hand them over, the less they come back into my mind, and the more peaceful I become.

See the best — When I meet friends, family, neighbors, I focus on their best qualities… their kindness, gentleness, patience, humor, peacefulness, generosity, creativity… and compliment them. This lifts them up out of the ego world of fear and self judgments to a world of love and appreciation. And when they are lifted, I’m lifted up with them.

Leave the world — Sometimes my mind chatter is very persistent and I need to frequently disengage from it and open to the peace of my inner Teacher. So I’ve made it a habit to step back hourly… quiet my mind for a minute or two, and re-center in peace. And then I go back into my day relaxed and centered in my right mind.

Let go of conflict — The world isn’t real. So I don’t need to get triggered by other people’s opinions and beliefs. I don’t want to lose my peace… so I let it go, and let them be right. Who cares?

Teacher of Love — To teach is to demonstrate. And so as I walk through my day, I am gentle and kind with my brothers. I smile at people, and chat to strangers, and extend love as I’m guided. And the love comes flowing back to me.

Laugh and be happy — The world is an illusion, so I choose not to take it seriously. I enjoy being playful, silly, and letting go of worldly stories and beliefs. And I enjoy sharing laughter with everyone in my day.

Be present — My mind can become an incessant stream of thinking, and with that comes anxiety and stress. So I slow down, and become mindful of what I’m doing in this present moment. When I am present I am at peace.

Remember who I am I have Post-it notes positioned all over my home to remind me of the truth of who I am… I am Love. I am temporarily in a dream, here to release all my guilt with the Holy Spirit and return to love. I go through my day and extend love to everyone in my day… and the love returns.

Be the Observer — I sit with Jesus in the cinema and watch Dan on the screen without judging him. I notice things he does, how he interacts with others, and I feel a freedom from the story of Dan.

My life used to be filled with anxiety, stress and fear, but with the Course I am slowly being lifted up out of the darkness to the real world of love, peace and happiness. These tools have been so valuable in my journey home.

Rev. Dan Strodl is Manager of Miracle Network, a Pathways of Light Spiritual Counselor and Accessing Inner Wisdom Counselor. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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