Miracles News

july - September, 2007

Our Experience with Weekend with Holy Spirit

by Revs. Robert & Mary Stoelting

imageWe recently experienced a weekend here at Pathways of Light called, Weekend with Holy Spirit.

As a group we made the commitment to give time to quieting our minds and listening to the Holy Spirit. We started the weekend focusing on a message from A Course in Miracles: “The Holy Spirit will, of Himself, fill every mind that so makes room for Him.” (T-14.XI.13:6)

After a guided meditation to set the stage, we as a group practiced opening our minds to the inspiration that the Holy Spirit brings to us as we are quiet and receptive.

The first day we practiced again and again letting the busy-ness and hustle-bustle of our everyday lives gently fall away. We practiced opening our minds to periods of receptive listening to Holy Spirit.

Together we read ACIM Workbook Lesson 106: Let me be still and listen to the truth. We prepared our minds to receive Holy Spirit’s miracles. We focused on this idea from the Course: “Be not afraid today to circumvent the voices of the world. Walk lightly past their meaningless persuasion. Hear them not. Be still today and listen to the truth. Go past all things which do not speak of Him Who holds your happiness within His hand, held out to you in welcome and in love. Hear only Him today, and do not wait to reach Him longer. Hear one Voice today.” (W-pI.106.3:1-7)

We let everything slow down and gave time in quiet to God. During our quiet times, if we found our mind wandering, we would reread to ourselves the message: “I Go Within to Find God. I turn inward very deeply into my mind… I go inward past all form, past all thoughts of bodies, time and distance…
I go to the quiet place in my mind. I sink into and feel the Light of Love that is in me and surrounds me. I accept and experience the quiet peace of God within my mind, and rest awhile… In quietness I receive God’s gift of peace… and Love… and joy. In stillness I receive God’s Word.”
(from Miracles Practitioner Course 911: The Healing Journey Inward)

After a period of quiet, we all returned to the group to share about our experience with listening to the Holy Spirit. The following are excerpts from messages we received during the weekend:

Robert: There is no barrier between me and the Love and peace of God. If I perceive one, I put it there in my imagination. It will disappear as soon as I no longer want to imagine it. Anything I perceive that is not the peace and Love of God is imagined. It’s not there. I imagine it because I value separation. I think it offers me something I want. In truth, Love is my only Home. Love is my nature. Love unites me with all that is. When I see “others” as Love, I have no fear. I feel safe and gentle. If I see someone who appears to be angry or depressed, my only thought is that they are safe in Love along with me.

The gift of peace is worth practicing to receive. You are worthy of receiving it. When you are unwilling to give time to opening to peace, it is because you think you do not deserve the gift. You disguise this in scenarios where you seem to need to solve problems yourself. But that is just reinforcing the belief that you are by yourself. You are not alone. When you think you are, you are mistaken. Allow that mistake to be corrected by diligently practicing opening to peace. In peace you remember that you are one with all that is real and you could never be alone.

All concerns for the body are of the ego because the body is the ego’s defense against God. Any thought that a circumstance in the world should be different is a concern of the body and therefore a defense against God. This is why it’s so important to step back and follow Holy Spirit.

Sometimes I feel like I ask for guidance and don’t seem to receive it. What’s really going on?

Answer: Remember, Love is ever present. There are no barriers except those you imagine. You ask for help because you feel you have a need. You could only feel a need if you felt a lack. That could only occur if you believe there is a barrier between you and the Love that is ever present. So, at it’s core, a request for guidance is a call for Love.

While you believe you are in this world, there will be appearances of lack because you believe you are separate from Love. The form of perceived lack will change from one moment to the next. A machine will seem not to work. There will seem to be too much to do in too little time. You will plug in the wrong cable. Software will seem to fail. Someone will not do what they said they would do, or do something you didn’t want done. There are endless variations to these stories. They have one thing in common: They all reflect belief in lack of Love or separation.

The antidote for them all is Love. But you won’t recognize that the antidote is present unless you forgive the circumstance for not meeting your definition of salvation. You believe you will be happy if the outer circumstance changes. It is this belief that must be let go or forgiven. When you have forgiven, or let go of judgement, your mind and heart will be open to receive the Love that you are really seeking. Then you will recognize the solution in form as it pertains to the circumstance. And it may look very different from what you thought the answer would be.

Because the peace and Love of God is in me, if I am not experiencing it, I must have made a barrier against it. In some way, that barrier is a judgment that (I think) something other than the peace and Love of God is all that is real, I must be choosing hallucinations over reality. This is the insanity of the ego thought system.

If I am offended because I think someone has misunderstood me, misinterpreted what I said or misrepresented what I value, then I must believe that I am not the peace and Love of God and that I am vulnerable to loss. This can only mean that I believe I am an hallucination, a false image of myself. It is time to open my mind to the Holy Spirit to receive His gentle correction of my mistaken belief. Call upon the peace of God in me to return me to the state of openness to Holy Spirit’s vision. Peace first! Then everything I need will follow. Practice, practice, practice. In peace ask: “What would You have me do?” Make every decision with peace.

Mary: Pay attention to what is true eternally — now. Pay attention to the eternal now. Let go of the past and future, that is of time and that is coming from the ego mind. Give time to quiet listening, now. Let this practice prepare you to accept this way of being always.

Allow yourself to feel the peace of your true Being. See that it is always there… Give yourself time to rest in the truth about you… Rest in the stillness and changelessness of God’s peace… your peace… the peace that is the real you… formless peace… formless joy…

Practice resting in the truth… You are in Heaven now, along with everyone… Allow yourself to become aware of this truth…
You are being carried… Allow yourself to trust enough to become aware of this…

Let everything in your mind quiet… These thoughts that come up do not matter… They are thoughts connected with a world of separate bodies… Hand them over… You do not need these thoughts…

Rest… Let your mind quiet and rest… Let the deep still waters of peace replace all the thoughts of what you think is real… In peace you find these thoughts are not real. They are just false ideas of separation…

Only what is of the Father is real… Only your Source is real… Return to your Source… Like the prodigal son, return to your Source and receive the banquet awaiting your return… Receive the riches of your Father… Welcome Home. Welcome Home. You are still as God created you… Everyone is still as God created them…

No matter what anyone dreams, know that everyone has a complete support system… Everyone is totally immersed in God because they are part of God. They cannot leave their one Identity as Perfect Love. Think about that for everyone. That is being truly helpful. As you remember it for others it helps you remember it for yourself.

Your Beingness in God is connected with everyone’s Beingness because it is one undivided Beingness in God.

Take time to rest in God… Let this practice this weekend quicken your remembering during the rest of your week. Let this habit of resting in God become strong…

Let awareness of God’s Love in everyone’s mind become strong. Be willing to see God’s Love in everyone’s mind… Practice that… With this consistent practice you are becoming more familiar with what it is like to consistently step back from the world and receive the happiness that is inherently in you…

You are in Heaven now. Let yourself feel the happiness and contentment the real you is aware of while resting in God. Hand over everything that appears to be separate from you. See that only Love is really there. The rest are hallucinations. There is only God. There is only Love.

My Prayer: I rest in Love… I rest in remembering oneness… I give up trying to make something different than Love’s oneness. I stop trying to make the world of bodies appear to be real…

Where am I placing my faith? With placing my faith in the Holy Spirit I am able to see the Christ in everyone, no matter what the body’s eyes show me. Am I energizing the ego’s world or am I energizing the Holy Spirit’s way of seeing past the world to the fact that everyone is in reality resting in God?

God is peace… God is oneness… God is universal Love. I accept God as God is. I would not try to change God. There is nothing but God.

Mary & Robert Stoelting are co-founers of Pathways of Light. They live at the Pathways of Light Center in Kiel, Wisconsin.

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