Miracles News

October-December, 2020

Reality Beyond Duality

by Rev. Gina Lucia, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Now is a perfect time to explore the “duality” paradigm of life in the physical and how it has served us as we move away from our limitations of separation from Source. Each event in our world becomes an opportunity to bring us closer to awakening to the truth of our oneness with each other and with God. “The real world is attained simply by the complete forgiveness of the old, the world you see without forgiveness.” (T-17.II.5:1-2)

As we move from body identity to Spirit identity we will find Source, our Guide, our Inner Teacher. “Your worth is beyond perception because it is beyond doubt. Do not perceive yourself in different lights. Know yourself in the One Light where the miracle that is you is perfectly clear.” (T-3.V.10:7-9)

Wow, if there’s ever been a wakeup call it’s right now! We are witnessing a plethora of duality in the current landscape of our entire planet regarding pretty much everything: We are asleep, we are awake, death, separation, unity, reality, illness, healing, heaven, hell, Light, darkness, physical, non-physical, 3D, 5D, I could go on. All being viewed under a magnifying glass.

Let’s take a look at the dualistic thought system. We are always choosing either fear or Love, complete opposites of each other. I’ve come to know that only one is real — the thought system of LOVE.

Love never changes; fear is constantly on the move. I’ve also learned that we can stay on the pain and suffering train to get our lessons, or we can choose the Love train, a much easier route. All aboard!

But the ego is always ready for instability. “You can speak from the spirit or from the ego, as you choose.” (T-4.in.2:1)

So how do we get beyond hearing the dictates of the ego and into that instant place of hearing that still small voice? We know the ego speaks first and the ego speaks loudest. “Spirit need not be taught, but the ego must be.” (T-4.I.3:1)

Now let’s take a look at the chaos in the world right now. Who’s creating our current reality? Remember it’s just a dream, it’s all an illusion, it’s the matrix of the human mind… our collective mind. “The laws of chaos can be brought to light, though never understood.… Let us look upon them calmly, that we may look beyond them, understanding what they are, not what they would maintain.” (T-23.II.1:1,4.) “Here are the laws that rule the world you made.” (T-23.II.1:6)

“The first chaotic law is that the truth is different for everyone. Like all these principles, this one maintains that each is separate and has a different set of thoughts that set him off from others. This principle evolves from the belief that there is a hierarchy of illusions; some are more valuable and therefore true. Each one establishes this for himself, and makes it true by his attack on what another values. And this is justified because the values differ, and those who hold them seem to be unlike, and therefore enemies.” (T-23.II.2)

Boy, we can sure witness this all around us, quite a few polarizing narratives going on in the collective matrix. What an interference for miracles, “Miracles are natural. When they do not occur something has gone wrong.” (T-1.I.6:1-2) We are actually witnessing varying degrees of truth amongst illusion, which makes it appear to be harder to overcome some illusions than others. The ego always complicates everything. All is illusion.

“The second law of chaos, dear indeed to every worshiper of sin, is that each one must sin, and therefore deserves attack and death. This principle, closely related to the first, is the demand that errors call for punishment and not correction. For the destruction of the one who makes the error places him beyond correction and beyond forgiveness. What he has done is thus interpreted as an irrevocable sentence upon himself, which God Himself is powerless to overcome.” (T-23.II.4:1-4) Simply put, the war against yourself.

“This leads directly to the third preposterous belief that seems to make chaos eternal. For if God cannot be mistaken, He must accept his son’s belief in what he is, and hate him for it.

“See how the fear of God is reinforced by this third principle. Now it becomes impossible to turn to Him for help in misery. For now he has become the “enemy” who caused it, to Whom appeal is useless. …And now is conflict made inevitable, beyond the help of God.” (T-23.II.6:5-6;7:1-3,5) And here’s where we invent a vengeful God — no forgiveness, just destruction, the ego’s mantra.

“The ego values only what it takes. This leads to the fourth law of chaos, which, if the others are accepted, must be true. This seeming law is the belief you have what you have taken. By this, another’s loss becomes your gain, and thus it fails to recognize that you can never take away save from yourself. Yet all the other laws must lead to this. For enemies do not give willingly to one another, nor would they seek to share the things they value. And what your enemies would keep from you must be worth having, because they keep it hidden from your sight.” (T-23.II.9)

So what is it that is so precious? What did the “enemy” take from you? Here we make the “enemy” strong, hiding the “valuables” that should be ours, a justification for attack. In the ego’s savage world, good cannot survive, so if the ego takes, it cannot be taken from. What are you looking for but haven’t found? The ego’s mantra, “seek but do not find.” The ego will continue to dictate a never ending search, to project outside the body, while hiding this “precious little gift” in the body — guilt!

The final principle of chaos comes to the rescue. It is all just a substitute for Love. We simply receive Love from Source and naturally extend. But that little separation from Source is all about guilt projected onto the world around us. How much deeper can we continue burying ourselves? Each other?

“Outside of Heaven, only the conflict of illusion stands; senseless, impossible and beyond all reason, and yet perceived as an eternal barrier to Heaven. Illusions are but forms. Their content is never true.” (T-23.II.19:7-9)

The world is crying for healing and Love. To return to our freedom of Life as it was given us by God, our Creator. Now stronger than ever, the dictate of the collective ego is to separate. We must go within to find the answers. The journey must be taken to lift the veil of illusion. The only thing that can drive out darkness is the Light. The ego is at war with God. “The memory of God comes to the quiet mind.” (T-23.I.1:1)

Heaven is here now, there is no life outside of Heaven, the only thing that stands between our ascension is our conflicts with a dualistic thought system. Illusion is form, projected onto the screen in front of us.

“How can you know whether you chose the stairs to Heaven or the way to hell? Quite easily. How do you feel? Is peace in your awareness? Are you certain which way you go? And are you sure the goal of heaven can be reached? If not, you walk alone. Ask then, your Friend to join with you, and give you certainty of where you go.” (T-23.II.22:6-13)

There is a huge nonphysical staff waiting to assist us; just lean in and receive. Pathways of Light has ministers around the globe always available for prayer, discussion, or an enlightening correspondence course. Pathways of Light offers wonderful material to experience a journey down the road less traveled.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. May we all rise up above the fears, sorrows, and the limitations of this world, above the duality, into the circle of Light, unity and the greatest of all, Love.

Rev. Gina Lucia is a Pathways of Light
minister living in W. Sacramento, California. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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