Miracles News

October-December, 2014

Receiving Our Daily Lessons

by Revs. Robert & Mary Stoelting

Revs. Robert & Mary StoeltingEach morning we let Holy Spirit guide us to a section of A Course in Miracles to reinforce what we need that day in our ongoing mind healing process. Below are two inspirations we received that we post daily on the Pathways website:

Holy Spirit, Help Me See This Differently

This is our prayer today: Holy Spirit, when I look out through the body’s eyes, I see separation everywhere. Everything is distinct, different, unique and separated off from everything else. The world was made to make separation appear real. The world was made to be different from our Source, which always extends Love’s oneness.

Help me to see as You see today, Holy Spirit. Help me to see past separation to the truth of Love’s oneness. Lift me up when I get lost in believing what my physical eyes are showing me. Remind me of the truth that separation could never be real.

Help me to see past separation to the same Christ Mind in everyone I encounter or even think of. Help me remember that nothing has ever happened to change God’s one Son. I choose with You, Holy Spirit. Help me to use every circumstance as a means to wake up from the false belief in separation.

As I accept your help, I receive the miracle of true perception. I see Love’s oneness behind every separate form. I relax and follow Your lead today, knowing that as I ask with true desire, I receive as I have asked. I heal in great gratitude.

Being a Messenger of Unity with God

In general terms we have one function — to forgive, to look past all appearances. In each moment the Voice for God gives us the specific application of forgiveness. Whatever we perceive in the world needs to be recognized as just an appearance and looked past to see the unity of Love.

The appearance may be in the form of a relationship, a bill to pay, a piece of equipment to repair or a deadline to meet. From the perspective of separation, these may bring up feelings of irritation, frustration, stress or some other form of disturbance of our peace. They are all opportunities to apply the one function given us by our inner Teacher.

We can look past all appearances to the unity of Love if we accept the Holy Spirit’s help. He gives us His strength and His vision. It is through His strength, not our own as a separate identity, that we are able to look beyond appearances. His strength is enough to guarantee success when we are willing to accept His help. Today we dedicate to accepting the strength of God in us, offered us by the Holy Spirit, so that we may be messengers of God’s unity.

Revs. Robert and Mary Stoelting are co-founders of Pathways of Light. They reside in Ormond Beach, Florida.
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