Miracles News

July-September, 2016

The Divine Physician

by Rev. Gail Hamley, O.M.C.

Rev. Gail Hamley, O.M.C.In the Course we are told “The removal of blocks, then, is the only way to guarantee help and healing.” (T-8.VII.11:1) As a long-time student of the Course, I have heard this many times and the awareness to do it in everyday circumstances can be very subtle. The ‘doing it’ requires a spiritual maturation of the self into the Christ-Self where Jesus’ lessons guide us.

Each of us has our own unique path toward spiritual maturity. For me, I became aware that I like to control circumstances. Sound familiar? It is part of our DNA to try to control circumstances to obtain our idea of what would bring us happiness or love and to push away those that are painful or difficult. The problem is that attempts to control have not been successful in bringing me the happiness I (my ego) am continuously searching for.

I had been getting little inner nudges that True happiness will come when I accept what is, when I accept that God is in all things and I let go of judging whatever is happening as good or bad. I was successful at acceptance and seeing God everywhere when my days were going smoothly or even when the road got a bit bumpy. I could slip into a state of knowing that would carry me through whatever was happening.

But Spirit knew my ride was shallow so my life lessons began to deepen and suddenly I found myself in a situation that required every part of me to participate. I mean, I had to use my mind to remember all the things I have learned in the Course and elsewhere. I had to use my body to feel the sensations and emotions that my mind was telling me I believed were happening. I had to use Spirit within me to align and regulate my response to the situation.

All the while I ‘knew’ that the situation was a blessing… to me and to the person who was going through it with me. Fortunately he was a student of the Course, too, and he also could sense the blessing in the tremendous lesson we were going through together. I cannot speak for him, of course. My experience, however, brought up a lifelong fear that I was not really aware of until this experience. For anyone who has done shadow work, you will understand.

There are unconscious beliefs that motivate our activities in life. Because they are unconscious, we are not aware of them but we act them out all of the time. These motivations are our immature perceptions acquired as children to obtain safety, love and control = happiness. Because they were acquired when we were children, they do not work in the present but we don’t know that (remember they are in our subconscious) and they become our blocks rather than our ability to acquire love/happiness… a God-filled existence.  

So what do we do about this condition of unconscious/subconscious blocks? Faith is primary and foremost. To know without proof that GOD IS. 

Next, is willingness — willingness based on faith that I will stay the course of what is happening, right here, right now. Then, breathe and scan your body to see where the sensations are. Once found (i.e. my stomach was in knots and I was hot with anger) welcome the sensations — they are your allies.

Healing is mind-body-spirit after all. And then as you are aware of your internal discomfort, let go of your wish to change anything… GOD IS.

My prayer was:  Help me God to see this differently.

I had so many emotions going on that I didn’t know what to do but pray and sit in my discomfort. Suddenly a welling up of compassion filled me and I knew how to respond to the situation without changing anything outside of me. I had changed.

Fear had transformed into love and my block was removed. The Holy spirit within me did the work. All I did was call on my faith, be willing and wait.

Rev. Gail Hamley is a Pathways of Light minister living in Austin Texas. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  714-334-8176

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