Miracles News

july - September, 2007

The Mentor Within

by Rev. Mary Gerrard Lenihan, author of The Mentor Within

imageGod is a far-fetched idea to many; too hard of a concept to grasp – invisible, intangible. Because humans cannot often image God, we fail to be in a relationship with God. This is why depending on our self-made images is a tool the ego uses to maintain separation.

Christ is the true “nature” of God, the essence of God available to us all. Jesus played this out here on earth. He became an image of God by shattering all of our images. By overcoming the illusion of death he overcame the illusion of life on this earth. He resurrected our perception of God from one Who satisfies our earthly desires, judges and condemns, to one who simply loves by seeing the Innocence within.

Jesus, many thought, was not ever supposed to leave the world behind, much less leave it so unattended, and certainly many are still awaiting his return. Again, the human image of God became a projection of a superhuman. That ego never gives up.

Holy Spirit resides in our mind and upon our willingness, merges us with Christ, the essence of God. It seems we are left unattended when we are not paying attention. I started paying closer attention. Here, I discovered The Mentor Within. Many wake-up calls have I been given, but oh that snooze button. Thankfully, God provides. The book, The Mentor Within, Let your SELF be seen, was the beginning of my willingness to awaken.

Here are three excerpts from the book which is a series of conversations I had with the Mentor, the Holy Spirit, over a nine month period. The Mentor is in italics. In Joy, Mary Gerard.

“Do You Hear”?

It is on this day that I am given the title of the book. The Mentor begins to speak.

It is not outside of ourselves — whatever we are looking for is not outside of ourselves. We are making ourselves sick looking for answers out there in a world where there are no answers. Oh yes, we may be temporarily satisfied, have an “aha” moment, but are you not fleeting frantically to the next endeavor, experience, goal, guru, friend, family member, therapist, doctor, financial advisor, church, book, job …? Are you not feeling anxious, lost, depressed, numb, out of control, in control, controlling between gurus?

How many gurus does it take to screw in a light bulb? There will never be enough because the Light is within. The peace of God is within. The moment of truth is within. You will feel whole when you accept that no one outside of you can make you whole — you are in fact complete because God completed you before you were born. Nothing or no one in this world can complete you who are already finished. Additions make for distractions.

How many rooms does a house need before it is a home? How many blades of grass does a field need before it can be called a field? I am telling you; one room makes a home, one blade of grass on a spot of land makes a field. You are that room, you are that blade of grass; you are home, you are a field. Nothing else matters.

Life will unfold as we listen. Do you hear the sound of your own unfolding? What a gift.

I cannot make anything happen. I can only be a gift to that which is already happening. It is the greatest freedom I have.

“The Untrained Mind”

What a beautiful day. I sit in such beauty. Do you have any advice for me today?

Clear vision arises from within that which is already clear. Rinse your mind of all grief and let yourself be carried on into the healing waters. An open pool of water awaits us.

Ah, that sounds so refreshing. I see myself standing naked in the center of expanding water circles, a pool of new life melting all over my mind. How do I bring others to this healing water?

Quit fantasizing about “reality.” Your purity of consciousness saves even the worst of egos. As your mind settles out of rationalizing your behavior, you release others into the hands of God. A lot of requirements await the minds of those still imprisoned. Get out of the way.

What do you mean, “quit fantasizing about reality”?

Reality (the real thing) is seen in the purest of sight and stands side by side with fantasy. One calls us, luring us into deep sleep, frustrating all of our attempts to stay awake. One keeps us awake.

So fantasizing about reality keeps me from reality?

Reality cannot hold fantasy. Fantasy slips like sand through open fingers. There is never enough to fill; the sandbag is always empty. Fantasizing about reality keeps you craving more fantasy.

What do you mean by “a lot of requirements await the minds of those still imprisoned”?

Before rules and regulations there exists freedom.Not freedom from rules and regulations, but freedom in and of itself. Freedom, like truth, stands apart from fantasy, rules, and regulations, for true freedom is seen only in relationship to itself, otherwise it would be seen 100 different ways within relationship to 100 different thoughts, beliefs, or actions.

Imprisoned minds know not of freedom, rather only escape hatches that lead one out of one “framed” thought into another. All of these thoughts framed within relationship to other thoughts quite similar to them, though appearing different to the untrained mind. So one runs from one mode of thinking to another, takes a snapshot, and implants the new picture in one’s mind which then serves as the updated version of “reality.”

So what are the “requirements”?

Each mind has its own set of requirements that it has chosen for itself. Now of course none of these requirements are real. They are fantasy requirements that keep us engaged in countless searches. Fantasy requirements are like our own individualized computer programs that interface with other programs to keep the fantasy going.

What do we have “requirements” for?

The game states that with each requirement met we are one step closer to freedom. Eventually, we rise to the occasion and see the requirements for what they really are — nothing.

That sounds familiar. Been there, done that! You told me to “get out of the way.” What does this mean?

The joy of movement for you is when you do not have to choreograph, right?

When I have a hard time getting out of the way is when people start professing their ideas about whatever and they sound professional, educated, business oriented, spiritual – like they know all of the answers. I jump in there and try to resonate with what they are saying so that they feel heard and so that I sound intelligent. I do not know how to insert what I think and have experienced without coming off abrasive.

Let your Self be. The truth can sound abrasive to the one who believes in that which is not the truth.

“Spiritual Teachers”

What about spiritual teachers?

Those who have gone the way open doors amidst bolts and fire.

How do I know who has “gone the way”?

They sit behind open doors. Everlasting love in union with God precedes them; they love.

When you say those who have “gone the way,” what do you mean?

Those who have risen from the dead. Like a white daisy among a bed of red roses. The seed that has been planted emerges as pure truth.

Why are not the red roses in your description also pure truth?

For they know one another only as a mirror, a reflection of one’s small self. They see only that which they believe themselves to be.

What does the white daisy see?

Nothing. It looks within and becomes nothing in its own eyes.

When the white daisy looks within and sees nothing, then what is its motivation to live?

All the red roses, awaiting salvation.

How does the white daisy save the red roses?

By seeing them differently, for who they truly are.

How do I rise from the dead; how do I go the way?

Seamlessly walk in God.

Seamlessly? What is seamlessly?

We cannot know the path until we take it.

Rev. Mary Gerard Lenihan is a Pathways of Light minister living in St. Louis, Missouri. Mary is the author of the book, The Mentor Within, Let your SELF be seen. You may purchase this delightful book at the Pathways of Light bookstore and soon online. Visit Mary’s web site at: http://www.thementorwithin.com

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