Miracles News

January-March, 2010

The Power of a Forgiving Smile

Rev. Annie Arbona

image The truth is that gifts of Love can take on many different forms and sometimes appear in the most unexpected places. 

A couple of weeks ago, when Christmas shopping seemed to be at a peak, I took a trip to Walmart hoping to find some needed articles at a good price.

As I approached the women’s clothing area, I heard some children crying loudly and a swishing sound that I identified as that of a belt hitting against something or someone. Immediately, I had a mental SOS and felt compelled to move with my cart in their direction. As I got closer, I saw a woman beating some kids with a long thin belt that she had doubled over.

My immediate reaction was one of fear for the children and fury toward the woman. I had always made very harsh judgments against adults who are abusive to children. I felt personally violated and indignant at the scene I was witnessing. At first I had thoughts of counter attacking her verbally but, thanks to Spirit, I was able to choose peace first.

I invoked the angels of God’s peace and asked all of Heaven to accompany me. In my heart I knew I had to move quickly towards them, and I had to make myself physically present in that area. I had no idea what I was to do or say after that.

“I am here only to be truly helpful”, kept going through my mind. “I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do.” In the spirit of this wonderful prayer from ACIM, I arrived on the scene and didn’t stop until I was right in front of the woman. We were face to face.

Again I asked for help, “Spirit, please, please what am I to do now?” As I was thinking this, suddenly I felt a huge smile coming on, and I smiled at her with such tenderness. I felt God’s Love taking over my heart, my mind, my face, and it felt like the light of God’s mind was surrounding us.

I think the woman was as surprised at my smile as I was. She and I knew I had seen her beating the kids, and that was definitely not what either of us expected to happen.

My smile was filled with the honesty and true understanding of Spirit. She felt it, and I melted. We were safe, safe from our own thoughts and feelings. The Light of God’s Mind and His thoughts had taken over. The situation took a completely different course.

I asked her how many children she had. She said four were hers and four were her brother’s. She was shopping with eight kids!! Two of the smaller girls started talking to me. They had stopped crying. The mother pushed the belt deep into her pants pocket. There was a clear, soothing, and peaceful feeling in the air. Fear had vanished from everyone’s face; the mother’s, the children’s and mine. God had smiled at us and our hearts rested in that loving moment. No one in the store suspected such a miracle happening in their midst. I was guided to stay there for about 10 more minutes, just being there, representing another alternative, accepting the miracle. What a wonderful gift, my heart was singing!

What happened afterwards seemed unrelated, and was just as unexpected as the first incident. At the same time, it seemed to be an after effect of the grace that had descended just minutes before.

I was on line at the register, still in awe of what had just occurred. All of a sudden I was feeling very hungry and decided to have a piece of some cocktail size bread I had in my cart.

Almost simultaneously, the lady in front of me opened a package of turkey slices she had in her cart and started eating. She looked back at me and said, “I am sooo hungry. I can’t wait to get home and make myself a huge sandwich.”

I felt the synchronicity of the moment, and I offered her some of my bread suggesting that she make herself a small sandwich with my mini bread while she waited to pay. At first, she hesitated, but then she accepted the bread and said, “I’ll take the bread if you take some of my turkey so we can both have a sandwich. It’s Christmas, let’s celebrate.” 

So there we were in Walmart in line waiting to pay, one minute total strangers, the next eating turkey sandwiches in a light and joyful sharing, a simple celebration in the moment. We laughed at our spontaneous “breaking of bread.” I knew this was an extension of the miracle that had just happened. It extended into another blessed encounter. Once again, any sense of separation disappearing and joyful peace taking over. As I said before, gifts of Love can take on many different forms, and sometimes appear in the most unexpected places.

Rev. Annie Arbona is a Pathways of Light minister living in Melbourne, Florida. She supervises the translation of Pathways of Light courses into Spanish.

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