Updated 4/16/2024
Millions of people around the world are using phone carrier systems and the Internet at levels never before seen. This has resulted in some people having difficulty connecting to a teleconference line. Here are some options to address issues you may experience while joining our teleconferences hosted by FreeConferenceCall.com.
Request an immediate call back. Click here. You will be asked to enter your phone number (US or Canada) and the 10-digit conference call number and submit. You will receive a call within 60 seconds from teleconference system. Press * when prompted to connect with the conference.
Request a temporary call-in number. Click here. You will be asked to enter the 10-digit conference call number and submit. You will receive a number to call which will immediately connect you to the teleconference. This number is active for 24 hours after creation.
Download the Mobile or Computer App. If your mobile phone has Wi-Fi access to the Internet, you can use the Free Conference Call mobile app to connect from anywhere in the world to our teleconferences without using your cellular line. Go to the Apple Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android) and search for “Free Conference Call.” The computer app allows you to connect directly from your computer. Click here to download the computer app.
For more information on how to join a call including a video tutorial click here. For detailed instructions on how to call using the mobile app, click the “Mobile App” tab. Scroll down to “For Participants” for instructions to join a meeting.
Join the teleconference 10-15 minutes before the hour to avoid the heavy call load that occurs on the hour. Carrier networks are less congested at these times.
Posted by Pathways of Light staff with information provided by Freeconferencecall.com, our teleconference service provider.
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