Miracles News

January-March, 2012

Unearthing and Healing Our Biggest Block to Love

Rev. Nouk Sanchez, O.M.C.

Rev. Nouk SanchezAs many of you know, Tomas, my soul buddy, left the body in December 2010. He left through what appeared as cancer of the body. Tomas ‘awakened’ prior to leaving the body. However he was very aware that he chose cancer as a means by which he could apply vigilant discipline to prioritize peace, in order to achieve only ONE goal — to awaken.

Since Tomas left physical form, communication between us has remained unbroken. In fact he is more available now without a body, than he was with one! This is quite miraculous to say the least. Prior to his leaving the body, we both had lived and studied the principles of A Course in Miracles for 20 years. We took the long meandering path and made every conceivable mistake along the way.

While our misunderstanding and confusion appeared to increase our suffering during that period, I see now that we chose this so that we could help light the path Home for others. In particular, we now see a much gentler and more joyful path to undoing suffering and hope to share this with all who are called to walk with us.

Since Tomas left the body, I have been blessed with a monumental leap forward in understanding and embracing the next phase or paradigm of Jesus’ teachings in the Course. I believe that Tomas is helping with this as he’s currently helping many who are committed to undoing fear.

I promised to share these teachings with those who are guided at this time, to take their experience of the Course to a whole new level. This is an invitation to experience and to demonstrate a miraculous paradigm shift. This… is embodying being a true miracle-worker.

Perhaps the strongest catalyst for this recent leap in perception comes from discovering something with Tomas. I must admit that it’s been only recently that I was shown our greatest individual and collective blocks to God’s Love. I was shocked, I had no idea, even after 20 years of ACIM. I see now just why it took me 20 years of such unnecessary suffering to arrive at this present and joyful state of awareness. And no one needs to suffer the way that Tomas and I did. That’s why I’m feeling so guided to hold a 4-Day Retreat in May 2012 to share these epiphanies and to help others overcome pain and suffering; to find deep and unshakable security, Love and joy much sooner.

The first of our major blocks to Love is incredibly well hidden in our unconscious. Even after 20 years, Tomas and I were stunned that we hadn’t recognized it. Yet when we saw it and released it to Spirit, we understood why it took us so long to trust in God’s Love. Until we’d advanced with trusting in Spirit, we did what everyone does here in the dream — we relied largely on our own ‘will’ and the world’s laws. Or, we tried to balance between two paradigms, partially trusting in Spirit and partially trusting in our own (ego) will.

We had one foot each in ‘both’ boats and the mighty current of ego-undoing, rapidly pulled those boats apart. The outcome? Well you can guess, we fell head first in the water and we felt like we were drowning. That’s the feeling all of us have when we attempt to integrate the ego’s laws with Spirit’s paradigm. The two are absolutely irreconcilable. Not until we choose only one will there be consistent peace and joy. Until then we’re welcome to torture ourselves; there is no compromise in this… none.

The biggest of our blocks and the one that hides the deepest is this: Our fear of God. While it’s the last of the obstacles to peace, it can and should be exhumed as soon as possible. I am learning now that this fear of God is so insidious and prevalent, that it sabotages every single thing we do, including the spiritual path that we’re so invested in. It’s at the seat of all our physical pain, our need to control, our attraction to disease, attraction to scarcity, and our attraction to conflict and eventually, to death itself.

If you don’t believe me, maybe you could do a little introductory exercise here…

With pen and paper, write down all the beautiful attributes of God or Life as imagined in the Awakened State. For example: Unconditional Love, peace, joy, safety, security, all my needs are met consistently, etc.

Spend time sitting with all these. These are the intellectual list of God’s celestial attributes. This is what the ego is happy for us to see as long as we don’t dare to delve any deeper and find what we really believe about Love (God) in our unconscious.

Now, with total and radical self-honesty, watch for any signs of fear or concern when you ponder the following statement. Write down each of your fears. Unearthing these fears is invaluable. They pave the way out of fear forever, so please be honest. “I choose only God’s Will for me, from this moment onward. In so doing, I choose to forfeit my own independent ‘will’ in every area of my life.”

If you ask for and accept only His Will, there is no room for your own separate will.

More questions to ponder: Write down any concerns about possible change, loss or sacrifice in each of the important areas of your life. “What do I fear may change or fall away, specifically in the following areas?”

• finances and income

• relationship

• children and family

• security and self-image

• the body and health

• other areas

Any signs of concern or fear represent the tip of the so called ‘iceberg’ as far as our unconscious distrust in God’s Love is concerned. When Tomas and I did this exercise after nearly 20 years of the Course, we were astounded at how much we didn’t completely trust Spirit. We still compartmentalized some parts of our life; the body being the biggest of all (Tomas had cancer at the time). And I saw later (after Tomas had passed) that the ‘special’ relationship with our own body, appears to be the last of our ‘special’ relationships that we surrender fully. Not to disease and death, as the ego dictates. But Jesus is asking us to totally surrender the body as a Holy device through which the Holy Spirit lives by demonstration and extends Love.

When our life looks like a 10 slice pizza and we insist on keeping and controlling some slices independently apart from Spirit, the heat eventually becomes unbearable. And it’s here that we either opt out to recycle again through scarcity, disease or death, or we decide to jump into undoing the ego totally.
To the degree that we continue to maintain our own independent goals, plans and control shows us just how fearful we are still, of God’s Love.

All there is, is God’s all-encompassing Love. There is nothing else. When we see or feel anything else, we are hallucinating. So if all there is, is God’s Love, what then do we consistently defend ourselves against? Why do we insist on problem-solving independently from Spirit? And the answer is, because we still fear God. And Jesus tells us below, that we make up all these defenses, (e.g. conflict, sickness, scarcity, death, etc) not realizing that by defending ourselves against them, we make these illusions appear real and inescapable:

“You make what you defend against, and by your own defense against it is it real and inescapable. Lay down your arms, and only then do you perceive it false.” (W-170.2:6)

We don’t trust Love because we don’t yet know it. From the ego thought system, we project an ego image onto God. And the God that we’re so reluctant to surrender to is the imaginary god the ego made — a cruel and demanding god who tests us constantly through lessons and gives us freedom only in death. No wonder we are so terrified of surrender! The ‘god we made’ is the biggest block to trusting in the process of Awakening from suffering.

Stacy Sully joins me in facilitating our May 2012, 4-day “Know Thyself Retreat” where we’ll literally be undoing the ego’s projections at an experiential level. Stacy helped Tomas through to his Awakening, and she has a truly miraculous ‘gift’ of intuiting and taking people into a deep place of healing. Together, we will also learn to identify our varied hierarchies of illusion (blocks to Love, distrust of God). These demonstrate to what extent we are open (or closed) to practicing the number one miracle principle that, “there is no order of difficulty in miracles.” Until we take a radically honest look at our own order of priorities, we won’t be open to receiving and extending miracles. Healing then, is barred until we review and re-order these, because of our own unconscious defenses against it.

We will be lead through an individual process of learning the true Nature and Will of Love. When we can unearth our fear of Love (God) and expose these deepest and darkest of ego projections and release them, there is a profound movement forward into trusting Love; trusting our Holy Self. From here on in, we can truly embrace Life. Because now we have renounced death in all its forms and no longer fear God’s Love.

Rev. Nouk Sanchez, O.M.C., is co-author (with Tomas Vieira) of best-seller, Take Me to Truth; Undoing the Ego. Website: http://www.undoing-the-ego.org

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