Miracles News

July-September, 2014

Walking with Graceful Intention

Rev. Sherilyn Alexander, M.S., O.M.C.

Rev. Sherilyn AlexanderThe Spiritual Law of Intention dictates that Universal energies support a person’s intention, as it is the basis of manifestation in the physical. Within this law, it is best to invoke the sacred intention to set the stage at the beginning of new activity. The intensity of this intention to grow, become one with; it is what leads to the attunement of vibration with Spirit:

“Intention is our focus for creating that change within ourselves and our environment.”

In the Buddhist tradition, there are interesting classifications to describe the spiritual intentions that motivate practices, such as the conditioned cycle of birth and death, unconditional freedom from this cycle, and the highest type of motivation — enlightenment of Self for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Practice is doing. In all practices, of importance is the quality of one’s intention. Why? The Universe does not support what comes from ego, as these energies only support what is for the highest good of one and All. Think about a saying: “Strength and courage comes when the only direction you can walk is forward, straight through the middle, to the other side.”

This is a soul’s challenge… Its leap of faith. The wise will accept the challenge and start walking toward embracing the four tests one must successfully meet, with focused intention: The ability to silently walk in a straight line, overcome the feelings of fear and abandonment, reclaim the inner sense of knowledge, and find the strength to take the first free fall step in love and trust on this unconventional and profoundly sacred journey.

In a book, The Gift of a Rose, there is a story where a grandmother teaches her granddaughter about the gift of intuition, and the inherent responsibilities of accepting this spiritual gift.

“…Friends from early womanhood. This woman of First Nation — Cherokee decent — had taught her grandmother how to silently walk in a straight line. The woman’s direction was to always follow the intuition rather than to resist it. The understanding about growth and spiritual opening that she was trying to share in metaphor form was: It would be a continuous process requiring great personal discipline and strength. This process would be repeated over the span of this lifetime, as new challenges were experienced.” (- The Gift of a Rose, Healing the Soul, One Woman’s Journey of Truth & Spirit, 2010)

Connection to the Earth. With the focus on walking, attention is drawn to the significance of one’s feet. In holistic healing, the foot chakra is located in the middle of the sole of the feet. Be aware of the connection between the soles of feet and the earth and imagine the exchange of energy. When this energy center flows freely, there is a sense of being grounded and supported by the earth and, at the same time, becoming a living example of Heaven and Earth, in Human:

“One Gathers to Build Ten, and Infinite Forms Become Triads —“One” the ultimate reality, individualizes into beings that gather, or merge, and reform into higher beings. Throughout the process of individuation and gathering, or merging, each being, while developing unique traits, contains, within itself the original three basic elements of Heaven, Earth, and Human.”

“This principle of completion states that ‘when the three internal energy centers and four external energy centers form to create an integrated circulatory system, and when the Five Elements of Energy flow through the circulatory system composed of the seven Energy centers, the energy mechanism in the human body becomes complete as the trinity of Heaven and Earth in Human. This trinity of enlightened Self-realization exists in all of us.” (-Yon Su Ki, 1911/’The Chun Bu Kyung’)

This connection earth — foot chakras — root chakra (located at the base of the spine) is considered to be the best foundation for spiritual growth and good health. If fact, the condition of one’s health can be deduced from the state of the feet: Ancient cultures, such as Maya or in Indian Ayurveda, identified the best reflexology based “zones” are located in the feet for benefits of a therapeutic basis. In keeping with the spiritual law, “as above, so below,’ it has been described as the foot reflects the whole body.

By integrated example: The way to optimal health is straight, but it is also narrow. Recall the story about the grandmother and her friend, who had stated “silently and straight.” There is no excuse not to know the way, even without clear understanding, or ability to always live up to the highest and the best that is within … the way is known by true Self.

Becoming One with Everything. In the early stages of trying, the practices of learning to pray scientifically and the highest of all art forms — meditation — help one to think straight. Advanced practitioners will remember to give up selfishness and let Spirit’s guidance lead in all circumstances. Eventually, life is seen and felt as steady and flowing from within. This is the way to progress and strive to walk with Grace (Holy Spirit).

The feeling is of walking into a new now. To express the powerful efficacy of taking actions, in writing this article, thoughts return to the key elements in the Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling. As presented in the teachings of A Course in Miracles, through this practice of joining with Holy Spirit, one would experience a turning point, have openness to a better way, observe fear (as a call for love) in partnership with Holy Spirit’s healing guidance, and then with this new perception from Spirit, fear is transformed to peace and joy.

What is learned by following Holy Spirit’s lead? The lesson is about seeing through the eyes of Christ, as love’s extension. It is the simple willingness to return to true identity:

“Step back in faith and let truth lead the way. You know not where you go. But One Who knows goes with you. Let Him lead you with the rest.”

“We walk to God. Pause and reflect on this. Could any way be holier, or more deserving of your effort, of your love and of your full intent? What way could give you more than everything, or offer less and still content the holy Son of God? We walk to God. The truth that walks before us now is one with Him, and leads us to where He has always been. What way but this could be a path that you would choose instead?” (A Course in Miracles W-pI.155.10:3-6,12)

Walking into the Sun. In the literal sense walking into the sun is a reflection of returning to Divine mind, and those whose original divinity shines like the sunlight bear heaven and earth inside of them making an integrative whole. Walking this path with sincerity and humbleness is what allows for the continued progress with health and wisdom. It needs to be done with proper attitude — as developed at the beginning by agreement to walk on the spiritual path, and then strengthened during growth and healing lessons:

•  The journey itself is the most natural   in experience in the world.

•  Believe worthiness of this experience.

•  It will all come quickly and easily.

•  Don’t work against …. Flow and continue   forward.

Even when outward conditions contradict, inwardly strive for harmony and balance. Remember, one becomes what is thought about. What is needed? Have enough self-respect to remove all the nonessential things from life, and here is the realization…

The purest and brightest light (understanding) of soul is not within one who leads from the front, but rather it shines from the quiet leader, who is able to follow others silently, always observing, always changing to embrace growth, and always perfecting the precious ability to listen in the silence and to be heard within its Circle of Healing Light Intention: “With the intention of honoring each person’s choice of receiving and to serve the highest good of everyone concerned, all prayers and healing energies offered within this Circle-of-Healing-Light are given freely and respectfully for those who have asked.”

Rev. Sherilyn Alexander, M.S., O.M.C., is a Pathways of Light minister living in Chicago Metro area, Illinois.
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