Miracles News

April-June, 2023

We Heal as We Accept Our Oneness

by Robert and Mary Stoelting, founders of Pathways of Light

We have discovered over the years that whenever we think we are separate and alone, we are thinking with the mistaken ego mind. The ego is the false idea of being separate from our Creator. The ego mind always defends against Love’s oneness. It thinks that its job is to judge everyone and everything it sees.

A Course in Miracles has taught us to be mindful of when ego (false separate identity) thoughts come up and take these thoughts to the Holy Spirit to receive another way of seeing. The Holy Spirit sees the truth of everyone’s unity instead of the ego’s judgmental thoughts. The ego is never at peace because it is in a constant battle with Love’s oneness.

Because Jesus has already completed the journey Home, he knows that he is not alone nor is he separate from us. He asks us to join with him in God’s Love so we can learn we are not alone. As we join with him, we invite all our brothers to join with us, as Jesus does. Knowing that we are not alone, we offer all that we learn to everyone and our strength grows. We become aware that… “The whole power of God’s Son lies in all of us, but not in any of us alone.” (T-8.VI.8:5)

Jesus tells us we cannot return to the Kingdom alone because we cannot be alone. Thinking we are alone is a denial of God’s Will and makes us unaware of What we are. To return to the awareness of What we are, we need to accept our oneness with our brothers. “We begin the journey back by setting out together, and gather in our brothers as we continue together. Every gain in our strength is offered for all, so they too can lay aside their weakness and add their strength to us.” (T-8.VI.1:2-3)

In the Mind of God, Love extends forever. God’s extension of Love is the Sonship, which is God’s treasure. God’s Will is only to extend Love. Because we are part of God, that is also our will. We are the extension of God’s Love and as Love, we also extend It.

We know What we are by being What we are. To be Love, we must extend or give Love. That is our only will because it is Love’s Will. Nothing else can bring us joy. Nothing else can satisfy.

When we choose to believe that we are separate and alone, we lose awareness of what Love is. By the grace of God, this insane wish cannot and does not change Reality at all. God knows that we remain part of Him and so we are.

The insane belief that we are separate blocks our awareness of What we are, but it does not change It. Herein lies our salvation.

We simply need to let go of this false belief and truth will dawn upon our minds. God’s Will that we remain one with Him saves us from our illusion of being a separate self. The truth of What we are is held safely in God’s Mind for us, undisturbed and shimmering in God’s radiance, waiting for our awakening from the dream of separation.

Like the prodigal son, we are coming to the awareness that what we thought would bring us happiness has only brought us emptiness and suffering. That is why Jesus tells us, “Forget not the Kingdom of God for anything the world has to offer.” (T-8.VI.1:5)

We are realizing that we have made a mistake. The Course is telling us that this mistake has not changed God’s Will for us. God’s Will is that we be one with Him. His joy is that we remain part of Him and extend His Love as He extends It to us. We are God’s treasure, and as Love, our extensions of Love are our treasure. They remain in our mind as we remain in God’s Mind. Love extends forever in the Mind of God.

When we find ourselves thinking we are alone, how do we heal?

Healing comes to the quiet mind. Attitudes are changed. Circumstances are seen in a new way. It is like the black and white picture where, if you focus on the black area, you see two faces looking at each other. If you look at it focusing on the white area, you see one vase.

Through the quiet mind, the world is seen anew. The quiet mind sees through the thin veneer of separate bodies. The mind that is quiet is brought to God’s peace. The conflict brought about by ego’s thinking is laid aside and dissolves into the nothingness it is. The quiet mind sees clearly.

Here there is rest. Here there is God’s peace. What was once perceived as complicated and difficult now is seen as simple as the fear is dissolved and the Love that was always there shines forth. All false ideas fall away and the truth comes forth as Love’s simplicity is seen. Here is the eternal truth. Here is the soul’s deepest nourishment, what we all long for in our heart of hearts.

And all this comes when we are willing to quiet our minds and rest a while in Love’s healing presence. The deep inner longing and the search for God ends. It has always been right here, in the quiet mind, waiting for our return.

This inner door is opened by being willing to still our tortured minds and rest awhile in Love’s healing presence. It just takes a willingness to step back from the world and let the mind be quiet a while. In stillness all that is true is known. All that is real is recognized. This opportunity for healing is always present. It just takes a willingness to quiet our minds and listen to receive God’s word. That is all.

Mary: Recently I had an experience where I became aware that I was upset when I observed discordance between friends. I knew that if I did not feel peaceful, I needed to go to the Holy Spirit to learn how He sees this. Later on, when I had the opportunity to relax into a deeper place, the Holy Spirit reminded me that what I observed were simply calls for Love.

He reminded me that mentally extending Love to everyone was always the answer. He encouraged me to focus on the truth of everyone’s unity in Love instead of anyone’s judgmental thoughts, including my own.

I observed that this lesson was another great opportunity to heal my mind. I was reminded once again that Love is always the answer. I got another opportunity to rest awhile in Love’s healing presence.

One of the ego’s most prevalent defenses is busyness. The more it can keep us preoccupied with activities in the world, the safer it is from intrusions of peace. The ego considers peace as an intrusion because peace interferes with the ego’s primary goal of maintaining guilt.

When we quiet our minds and allow ourselves to experience the peace of God, our minds are open to receive His Word. His Word tells us that we remain one with Him, undivided, unharmed and incapable of harm. His Voice tells us we remain innocent, as we were created.

This is the last thing the ego wants us to hear, for if we hear and accept it, it would be the end of the ego. And so the ego is constantly looking for things to do, keeping us busy doing things in the world that lead nowhere, accomplishing nothing in truth. This effectively serves the ego’s goal of keeping our minds busy so that we will not receive God’s Word. Because we have taught ourselves well to follow the ego’s lead, we need to practice diligently quieting our minds, opening to God’s peace and listening to His Voice.

As we let go of selfishness (thinking we are separate and alone) and open to Self-fullness, we open to Its joy, peace and deep fulfillment. Love overflows and cannot be contained. This is what we were created for and this is What we are. This is the extension of Love’s Being and is our only function.

This Self-fullness must include all our brothers to be Itself. In Love’s wholeness, every brother’s extension of Love is our extension of Love because we are one. “The creations of every Son of God are yours, since every creation belongs to everyone, being created for the Sonship as a whole.” (T-7.IX.5:3)

Love is always all inclusive. As miracle workers, we are learning this and are letting the miracle of Holy Spirit’s correction of our perception return us to our one and only vocation that has any meaning.

Robert and Mary Stoelting are Founders of Pathways of Light.
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