Miracles News

October-December, 2013

We All Walk with God In Perfect Holiness

Revs. Robert & Mary Stoelting

Robert & Mary StoeltingA theme that has been emphasized lately in our morning study and check in with Holy Spirit is to remember that we walk with God.

“…ideas leave not their source. If this be true, how can you be apart from God? How could you walk the world alone and separate from your Source?”

“You cannot walk the world apart from God, because you could not be without Him. He is what your life is. Where you are He is. There is one life. That life you share with Him. Nothing can be apart from Him and live.” (W-pI.156.1:3-5,2:4-9)

We need to be reminded about this frequently so that we accept Holy Spirit’s help with every situation we encounter in this world. Recently we have been involved with getting settled in the new Pathways of Light office in Ormond Beach, Florida. We have needed to make several repairs and adjustments to the property to have it fit our office needs.

Our lesson that comes up daily is to step back from thinking that we are separate and alone in a world of separate bodies. Spirit is trying to help us remember that we are being carried and that there is only one Life — the Life we share with and in God.

“Who walks with me?” This question should be asked a thousand times a day, till certainty has ended doubting and established peace. Today let doubting cease. God speaks for you in answering your question with these words:

“I walk with God in perfect holiness. I light the world, I light my mind and all the minds which God created one with me.” (W-pI.156.8)

Working with these continuous reminders from Spirit has helped lighten our load. How can any problem really be a “problem” when we remember Who walks with us?

We are learning that every perceived problem is a blessing in disguise. The strength of God is in us and if we are open to inspiration, vision is His gift.

Christ’s vision shows us that everyone we encounter walks with God because they cannot be apart from God. Everyone is just as much a part of God as we are. We are equally God’s Light and God’s Love because in truth we are the same Light. This is what we are learning as we go through each day with Holy Spirit. What a happy lesson to have each day.

It is helpful for us to remember that we always have a wonderful Teacher that goes with us wherever we go, no matter what appears to be ‘happening’ in the dream of separate bodies. As we continue practicing this lesson, we are able to feel a touch of Heaven because the truth is we walk with God.

Revs. Robert and Mary Stoelting are co-founders of Pathways of Light. They reside in Ormond Beach, Florida.

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