Miracles News

January-March, 2004

You Guide Me

by Rev. Deb Frantz, O.M.C.

Rev. Deb FrantzThere’s an enchanting song by Scott Kalechstein called, “You Guide Me.” The lyrics are, “You guide me wherever I go, step by step Lord you’re leading me home. Like a stream in the desert, like a path through the snow. Wherever I am in this world, you’re guiding me home.”

These do not have to be merely words. If you could mean these words as you say or sing them, they do mean the Real World to you. Just as in ACIM where it speaks of wanting the peace of God. “I want the peace of God. To say these words is nothing. But to mean these words is everything. If you could but mean them for just an instant, there would be no further sorrow possible for you in any form; in any place or time. Heaven would be completely given back to full awareness, memory of God entirely restored, the resurrection of all creation fully recognized. W-185.1:1-4

Recently, I had some profound experiences in understanding what receiving Holy Spirit’s guidance is all about. It initiated with the guidance for beginning an Internet radio station for ACIM students. But that was not all. The information flowed quickly and freely and I set up all that I was inspired to do. At the end I was surprised at how quickly it all pulled together in such a short period of time. Here, I was able to trust the Holy Spirit in creating a touchstone for us all. That total acceptance of His Loving Guidance precipitated the opening of the door to trusting Him for much more than I had anticipated.

As the dust settled, I found myself on a deep journey into self-discovery. He called to me and dare I answer? I dared. I spent two weeks in a real un-doing process as every idol, every illusion came crumbling down before me. Those weeks were spent barely sleeping and rarely eating. It was a purging of sorts as the hot tears flowed down my face time and time again. Holy Spirit assured me that He was right there with me, helping me to uncover every dark thought, every painful hurt and that we would together bring it to the Light. It was safe to do so at this time.

As each thought was brought to the Light, I shuddered but felt immensely at peace as I turned it over. I had seen my life these last several years. All the illusions that I believed in came to the surface and the delusions that I allowed myself to be under; the lies that I told myself. It was time now for honesty and truth. “What if it could hurt others?” I protested. Holy Spirit reassured me. I had to move on. I knew and still know that I cannot go backwards. Forward on this healing path is the only way to go.

I had to let go of an outcome that I had held much belief in and it was not the outcome of peace. It was a form that I had based my happiness on. Once I was able to see all of this through the eyes of God, I was ready to let go and allow myself to experience true happiness. Through this I had to make a major life decision. It was difficult, but I knew it was where I was led on this healing path. I had to release my husband. We have been separated for three years, and still hoping and praying that all would be restored. I found that all that we were trying to restore was a golden idol — an illusion built upon illusions.

After I had experienced this awakening from Spirit, I was afraid to share this thought with my husband. The thoughts of what his family and others would think would pull at me. And as I continued to ask for confirmation from Spirit, it was given to me that we both would go further in our healing apart than together.

It has been a month now, and it continues to prove that this is correct. I saw many unhealed thoughts from our years together that I had buried beneath the surface. I no longer have to use the transgressions, betrayals and hurts as unconscious weapons, emotional daggers ready to hold at him at whim. I can now bring it all to the surface to look at it, and when I am ready with the His Guidance, I will be able to release them all to the wind. I am still working on that process and when the timing is right for me, all will be forgiven. I know that it has to be in my time, and when I am willing and ready to surrender them to God.

So as I face the path before me, I see the stream of Life in the desert, I see His leading through the snow. All along the way He holds my hand. The strong trust that I feel in the Holy Spirit has inspired me more as a Teacher of God. It is strengthening all that I do and I will become a better minister and person. I have received the gift of clarity and insight like never before. And because I came to Him for the only advice that I could ever need, I can now be loving to myself. I can surround myself with love and loving thoughts. I am completely and wholly worthy and deserving of all that God has to offer me. I am His Son in Whom He is well pleased. I accept this all within my being now.

It is no coincidence that this has all come about in correlation with the opening of our own rental space finally for the Miracles Center here in Pittsburgh in November. I am led by the most Divine in all that I do, and I choose that leading rather than my own. What more could I possibly want?

No matter where I am, and what I am doing or feeling, the Divine is with me. I honor that within me and within us all.

Deb Frantz is a Pathways of Light minister living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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