Together, We Light the Way

Ego Reaction

Slowly, a little at a time I am opening my mind to Holy Spirit and
receiving some thoughts. What I noticed this morning is that the ego
part of my mind is very uncomfortable with this process. It wants to
understand using its usual methods. For instance, how does this fit
in with the understandings that ego has developed through logic and
past experience.

This is the ego’s function as it sees it is to collect information,
organize it and use it to protect the body-mind. Like seeing that
stepping into the street without looking both ways could result in
the death of the body and so ego considers this valuable info and
files it in the brain for use when needed. This is the kind of
information the ego understands and feels comfortable with.

What the Holy Spirit gives me cannot be used in this way. This
morning as I was sitting as Christ for my five minutes of practice I
suddenly realized what a powerful mind it takes to uphold this
illusion. Those are the words I can think of but the actual
experience was far more than I can articulate. Suddenly I felt like
crying. I felt very fearful and that was when I realized that ego was
threatened by what it cannot understand. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for
helping me to understand where this fear came from, and thank you for
the immediate correction of this thought.

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