Together, We Light the Way

Gentle Healing Journal Day 4

Journal for Day 4
Lesson 4

These thoughts do not mean anything. They are like the things I see…

After doing the lesson this morning, I thought about the purpose of the lesson. The reason this lesson is so important is that we generally think of our thoughts as not only meaningful and deserving of our attention and sometimes action. We also think we are our thoughts, that they define us and make us different than others who don’t have our thoughts. They are our secret, something we share with special people, if at all.

We are learning that the thoughts in our mind are none of that. They are not special at all and don’t even belong to us. They are just thoughts within the consciousness that we want to have as our own. They are not us and not secrets, though we all agree to pretend they are. It is important to know that these thoughts, good or bad are meaningless though that does not mean they are powerless. Far from it.

These thoughts are not in us and they do not define us. I can be without thought and nothing happens to me, as we have seen from contemplating the daily thought. I think and I exist. I don’t think and I exist. Clearly, I am, and thoughts just come and go. If I continue to believe that thoughts are part of me and important to me I will not be willing to question them and certainly will not be willing to release them.

July 31, 2018, Daily Quote

Expansion is the realization of truth over illusion. It is the putting aside of limits, which never existed. It is seeing beyond false identity into the unknown and ungraspable, which is you. You are not to be controlled or limited, not even by you. You are to be discovered, and discovery happens through allowing the mystery.

~ Thoughts of Awakening

How exciting this thought that I am discovering myself! This is so much more fun than the thought that I am something broken that must be fixed. I wish I had this perspective much earlier in this lifetime. Maybe that is why we keep coming back to the stories, thinking that this time we will unearth more and do it more quickly and have more fun doing it.

I suppose, though, that those years of seeking blindly were an essential part in the process. Experiencing the limits I had placed on myself was the motivation to probe the mystery. When I think of my life in these terms, I see how everything was absolutely perfect. Instead of seeing it as a series of mistakes for which I am guilty, I see it as an adventure into self-discovery.

I have spent a long time looking at false beliefs and their effects and recognizing all that I am not. Now I embark on a different phase of the journey in which I determine what is me. I may need to be reminded of this from time to time. These stories are compelling in their drama and beauty. I don’t want to lose sight of my purpose in this experience of mine.

Tips from Regina Dawn Akers

The brain is reprogrammed as attention’s misidentification with thought is healed. There are some things we can do to assist in the reprogramming of the brain.

An open-heart increases efficacy. Examples of an open heart are:

Have a positive spiritual aspiration or purpose. For example, one may want to see with the eyes of God or know Love as the only reality. Note: If your goal has a negative focus such as, “I want to stop suffering,” consider a positive focus that feels genuine and authentic for you. For example, you may want freedom, happiness or lightness. A positive goal is much more effective than a negative goal because attention is focused on the ideas stated in your goal. It is much better to have attention focused on the idea of freedom or lightness than it is to have attention focused on the idea of suffering.

Maintain a sense of well-being. One way to maintain a sense of well-being when the crap is coming up is to remember that the thought-stream or emotion is coming into awareness because you want to heal. Remembering that healing is what you want is extremely helpful.

Trust that healing is occurring.

Repetition & practice with new programming. Examples of new programming include resting the mind, remembering the daily lesson, thinking about your spiritual aspiration, etc.
For example, imagine yourself resting the mind, imagine yourself remembering to do the workbook lessons, imagine yourself wanting awakening/truth more than anything else, etc. The brain cannot tell the difference between something real and something imagined. Research shows that anytime you are thinking (including imagining) you are engaged in conditioning neural pathways.

Meditation is concentrated rest away from mental activity. Therefore, it gives clear awareness ample time to heal the mind.

Observe/watch old programming without feeding it. Be aware of it, but don’t believe it and don’t fight against it. As you observe old programming in action, watch with a sense of curiosity. Become familiar with your triggers. For example, you might watch old programming to discover what it feels like in your body just before an old neural pathway begins to fire. (e.g., What happens in me just before I scream at my daughter?)

Discover how you can stay motivated to stick with gentle healing because you want to. Healing is an authentic journey for you when you are aware that you are on this journey because you want to be here.

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