Together, We Light the Way

Gentle Healing Journal Lesson 79 1-15-19

Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.

“A problem cannot be solved if you do not know what it is. Even if it is really solved already you will still have the problem, because you will not recognize that it has been solved. This is the situation of the world. The problem of separation, which is really the only problem, has already been solved. Yet the solution is not recognized because the problem is not recognized.”

“The temptation to regard problems as many is the temptation to keep the problem of separation unsolved. The world seems to present you with a vast number of problems, each requiring a different answer. This perception places you in a position in which your problem-solving must be inadequate, and failure is inevitable.”

I know this is true. I fully accept it. I forget sometimes, and if I forget that there is only one problem and one solution, I can get sidetracked. Just the other day, I started worrying about my son because of a situation he was in that could possibly cause him a problem. If I had immediately realized that this is just another form of the one problem of separation, it would have been a thought here and then gone. But I cast my attention on it too long and the worry expanded.

Before I knew it, I was worried about him for many reasons and then I was worried about a financial situation that I am in, and I began to worry about a physical problem. Well, you see what I mean. It is like fear is a filter that every thought went through. All along, I had only one problem. I believed that because I see myself in a body in a world unlike reality, that I am separated from God. But that’s not true.

We have been told that we can be in the world but not of it. Even here in this illusory state in which we find ourselves, we can embody our divine self within this human form. To believe that we cannot be in God and part of God because we are in human form is to believe that to have made the choice to have this experience is a sin and it is not possible the Son of God can sin. To think I can sin is to think God can sin. It’s absurd.

Lately, I have found The Code to be helpful in shifting my thinking quickly, or in dragging my mind out of the confusion of believing in problems. When I saw what I done letting the idea of fear take over temporarily, I began to meet each thought with a certainty of purpose. I would remind myself that the thought was just bad code. I am the programmer of my mind and no programmer would want to keep bad code if it was recognized as such. This made it easy to drop the thought.

I am happy for today’s lesson because it helped me to remember that I have only one problem regardless of how many different forms it takes. I know from practicing the Rules for Decision that if I decide what the situation means and then ask for help, I will probably not recognize the solution when it is given me, and because I don’t recognize its relevance, I will feel like I am not being answered. This feels like an attack. This is really the same thing I am being told in this lesson. Today, I will not forget that my only problem is separation.

Regina’s Tips on this lesson
Thinking’ (mental chatter) is the problem. ‘Thinking’ is the cause of all wars. Based on what we learned from NTI Ephesians and The Code, ‘thinking’ is even the cause of disease, weather patterns, etc.

If we look carefully at our thinking, we can see that it IS separation. After all, each of us thinks about ‘me’ and ‘mine.’ Each of us holds to a ‘personal’ point of view. We don’t find universal unity in the mind’s chatter.

My Thoughts
This adds another dimension to today’s lesson. It is the chatter in my mind that keeps my attention away from the actual problem. I am learning to quiet the chatter as much as possible and I am giving myself some time away from the chatter altogether through meditation.

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