Together, We Light the Way

Gentle Healing Journal Lesson 88 1-27-19

Lesson 88
(75) The light has come.
(76) I am under no laws but God’s.

“Salvation is a decision made already. Attack and grievances are not there to choose.”

I imagine the tiny mad idea in which we wondered what separation from God would be like and the instant in which our curiosity was answered in full and the world in all its variations unfolded. I imagine how we gently laughed and turned away from that idea and the decision made, we were saved from our curious play. But there were some of us who continued to wonder, who wanted to explore this idea more deeply. And so God placed in our mind the call to joy so that we would always find our way back Home when we were ready.

We wanderers are beginning to tire of the game and those of us who are ready to return our attention to reality are learning to make that choice. We are discovering that the world we imagine we are living in is not real, but is a dreamscape from which we must choose to awaken. This morning as I sat here before the computer ready to add to my journal, I did as I often do. I stopped for a few moments and rested my fingers on the keyboard. I looked at them and let myself remember that there is no keyboard and there are no fingers. It is still a surreal experience for me, but I think that as I continue this practice, my mind will shift and the belief in my fingers and my keyboard will become the surreal experience.

“I am perfectly free of the effects of all laws save God’s. And His are the laws of freedom.”

I cannot completely believe in the laws of God until I fully accept that the world as such does not exist. If I believe in this dreamscape, I will obey the laws set up to allow its seeming existence. But if I encourage the light to come into my mind and gently awaken me, and at the same time I practice the idea that I am affected only by God’s laws, I will accept my freedom. I have ample opportunity for practice all during the day. Yesterday, I spent more than half the day being vigilant and stopping frequently to spend some minutes in stillness. But eventually, I allowed my mind to be attracted to the distractions the ego prefers.

Today, I will remember that I want to see in each situation only what is there, and I will choose vision rather than sight. I will allow God’s laws to work in these situations instead of my own.

Regina’s Tips
The ego often tells us that awakening is impossible. Or, at least it will say it is impossible for “me.” However, A Course in Miracles says:

“In an impossible situation, you can develop your abilities to the point where they can get you out of it.”

My Thoughts
I hear the ego voice telling me that I cannot do this, at least in this lifetime. I hear it all the time. If I let my attention linger on that thought, I hear all the reasons and the proof that I am not waking up any time soon. But, I am doing what I need to do to get out of this impossible situation, so awakening is inevitable.

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