Together, We Light the Way

Gentle Healing Lesson 130, Manual for Teachers, Text.  4-23-19

It is impossible to see two worlds.

“No one can see a world his mind has not accorded value. And no one can fail to look upon what he believes he wants.”

This was a rude awakening when I first believed it. It is hard to believe I value the world as I see it now and yet, Jesus says that our world is a reflection of our thinking and that we see what we want to see and we believe what we see is really there. I see this at work on two levels.

What I see is a projection from my mind and so is not real and is not there and only appears to be there because I want it to be there. And on another level, how I see it is dependent on how I want to see it. And I will believe that the way I see it is the only way that it can be truly seen. Both of these levels represent my desires and neither level is true.

“It is impossible to see two worlds which have no overlap of any kind. Seek for the one; the other disappears.”

There are two worlds from which to choose, the real world and the illusion of a world. I’m grateful that this is our range of choice. I can spend 10 minutes on the toothpaste aisle trying to decide which I want, which brand and which type within that brand. This is much easier. I want the world of love or I want the world of fear. I know which one I choose by which one I experience. And if I experience the world of fear, I cannot reasonably deny that I want it.

I will no longer try to believe in a part of this world of illusion and a part of the real world and think this can work. Today, I will ask for strength beyond my own to deny a desire for illusions. Jesus reassures me that God will be there. He says that I have called on the great unfailing power and that it will take this giant step with me. He also says that I will see His thanks expressed in tangible perception and in truth. I look forward to seeing this.

“It is impossible to see two worlds. Let me accept the strength God offers me and see no value in this world, that I may find my freedom and deliverance.”

Regina’s Tips
This is where A Course in Miracles and other truth teachings can become a little difficult to accept. You may feel resistance to this message. However, let’s put any resistance we may feel aside and look at today’s lesson and ourselves objectively (without judgment).

We are told that we see this world because we value it. Is that true? There is a way you can find out. How much of your time is spent thinking about you and the world from your point-of-view? And how much of your time is spent in awareness-watching-awareness, turning attention away from the world and away from thought, and turning attention towards the Self?

If we look honestly at how we spend our time, we can see which we value more.

My thoughts
I have noticed that I have more time in the day to spend on meditation and on contemplation. I could spend quite a bit more time seeking to know my Self. But I also notice that often I don’t do that. I will watch TV or read a book. I will go shopping or spend time on Facebook. I will sometimes realize what I am doing, and decide to change my mind, but instead of using that time to ask the Holy Spirit to purify my mind and then giving Him my silent attention so He can do it, I will watch a Mooji video or read something spiritual. It sounds good, but is it really? Or is it just another way to avoid awakening? Is it just another decision to believe in the world dressed up as spiritual in nature? I set an intention right now to increase the time I spend in meditation because I do understand that I must choose one over the other and I know the one I want.

Manual for Teachers
“This time ask yourself whether your judgment or the Word of God is more likely to be true.”

The ego has an interpretation for everything, but it is always going to be in direct opposition to the Word of God. When I am not at peace, I look to my thoughts for the cause of my distress. Realizing that I must have asked the ego what something meant, I change my mind and ask the Holy Spirit to interpret for me.

When I do this my mind returns to peace. Do I feel sick? If so, I ask the Holy Spirit to heal my mind of those thoughts that manifest as sickness. If I am worried about money, I ask that the Holy Spirit correct my thinking because it cannot be that I lack anything.

If I have a relationship issue, I ask the Holy Spirit to help me see my brother as he is rather than as the ego personification that he is showing me. I ask for help to release the idea of differences and to recognize my brother as one with me. Every disagreement dissolves in the face of universal love.

I never have a problem that is caused by something outside my mind. I don’t care what my brother is doing or saying or what the situation seems to indicate, healing occurs when I question my thoughts. Are they in alignment with the thoughts I think with God? If not, I release them to the Holy Spirit and allow correction. This is how I have peace of mind most of the time. And this is how I regain peace of mind when I lose it.

1 The alertness of the ego to the errors of other egos is not the kind of vigilance the Holy Spirit would have you maintain. Egos are critical in terms of the kind of “sense” they stand for. They understand this kind of sense, because it is sensible to them. To the Holy Spirit it makes no sense at all.

The Holy Spirit has encouraged me to be vigilant for the thoughts in my mind and to ask for correction when they are not in alignment with the thoughts I think with God. I ask Him to help me to use words that are in alignment with Truth. I agree to step back and let Him lead the way. I do this to the best of my ability. What I am not asked to do is to be vigilant for my brother’s thoughts and words.

Under no circumstance is it my job to keep an eye on anyone else and to judge the sense of what they say. It is not my job to correct them or set them straight. It doesn’t matter how “gently” I correct. It doesn’t matter how many of the right sounding words I use. It doesn’t matter how right it feels to me to do this. If I am watching someone else, judging the correctness of their words, whether I say anything to them or not, this is my error and it is my mind that needs correction.

When I used to do this it was most obvious on social media. There were just so many opportunities. I would read through the postings looking for the ones that were “right” and the ones that just didn’t quite hit the mark. Sometimes I would even tell them what was wrong with their posting. Of course, I would use my spiritual ego to do this so that it sounded spiritual. I told myself that I was helping. None of that was true. I was just using the ego to decide what made sense to it.

Now I always try to respond only to a direct question. If it is appropriate I might add my own experience. But I am vigilant for my motive because my spiritual ego is alive and well. I can indulge it, or I can disregard it. My choice. In all my groups, the guidelines are to share from our experience and to never correct another. I try always to live this. When I fail to do so, I forgive myself and try again.

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