Together, We Light the Way

Gentle Healing Lesson 137, Manual for Teachers, Text.  5-6-19

When I am healed I am not healed alone.

“Sickness is isolation. For it seems to keep one self apart from all the rest, to suffer what the others do not feel. It gives the body final power to make the separation real, and keep the mind in solitary prison, split apart and held in pieces by a solid wall of sickened flesh, which it can not surmount.”

“But healing is accomplished as he sees the body has no power to attack the universal Oneness of God’s Son.”

“Just as forgiveness overlooks all sins that never were accomplished, healing but removes illusions that have not occurred.”

“Yet think not healing is unworthy of your function here. For anti-Christ becomes more powerful than Christ to those who dream the world is real.”

“Healing is freedom.

Healing is shared

Healing is strength.”

“And legions upon legions will receive the gift that you receive when you are healed.”

“What is opposed to God does not exist, and who accepts it not within his mind becomes a haven where the weary can remain to rest.”

When I am healed I am not healed alone. And I would share my healing with the world, that sickness may be banished from the mind of God’s one Son, Who is my only Self.

This lesson is very clear to me. Sickness is not in God and therefore it does not exist. It is another illusion to be forgiven, another defense against the truth to be denied, another separation device to be released. An understanding of the purpose of sickness is helpful in deciding against it, but to forgive it, to have the belief in sickness removed from the mind, allowance, and acceptance seem to be the key.

I sit in quiet and the Holy Spirit heals my mind and this healing goes out to those who cross my mind and to legions upon legions that I am unaware of. Sometimes when I meditate like this, I feel something happening even if I cannot describe it in words, but this morning I didn’t feel anything, but I trust and am confident that healing occurred. I began by talking to the Holy Spirit about two areas of my life where I know my mind has been confused and then I simply opened to healing without regard to outcome.

Regina’s Tips
This is my humble advice regarding physical healing:

~ Remember that physical healing is not the goal. It may occur along the way if it is helpful to you, but the goal is spiritual awakening.

~ Watch the mind for ideas that may create sickness or block the opportunity for healing. There are many types of ideas that fall into that category including ‘miraculous healing isn’t possible,’ ‘I am not worthy of miraculous healing,’ and ‘I am guilty,’ especially if one sees a relationship between one’s guilt and the sickness. Also, most people get a subtle pleasure from sickness. It is a pleasure that is often fleeting and can easily be denied, especially as one tires of the suffering, but if one looks you can find it. You may like the break from work. You may like the special attention from others. Sickness can even make us feel special. Etc.

~ Notice that awareness is constant and unchanging. Awareness is the same in health and sickness. Pay close attention to notice that awareness is more intimately you than the body. Notice that the body has no affect on you whatsoever.

~ Let go of all ‘rules’ and ‘judgments’ about sickness and health. The path of awakening happens differently for different people. Some awaken through allowing sickness and noticing they aren’t the body. Some receive a boost in faith through miraculous healing. There is no rule about how this has to look.

~ Remember that what is most important is what is always most important: Inquire into false beliefs; let go of ego thinking; practice awareness-watching-awareness; be tuned in for your personal intuitive guidance and follow it.

The spiritual path requires more honesty than the mind is capable of. That means that in order to know what is best for you on this path, you have to let go of your individual thinking.

My Thoughts

I think that sickness is a choice and noticing that choice we can ask for healing of the beliefs that led to that choice.  Ultimately, it will always be a desire for separation, a desire to identify with the body, a desire to be unconscious of our true Self. It is not special, but is just another signpost leading us to what needs to be healed in the mind. Feeling guilty for sickness is no different than feeling guilty for anything else. It is just an ego response that can be disregarded. The entire lesson seems to be saying that sickness is a form of separation and that healing is a form of union and that our healing impacts the Sonship.

Manual for Teachers
6 Oneness and sickness cannot coexist. God’s teachers choose to look on dreams a while. It is a conscious choice. For they have learned that all choices are made consciously, with full awareness of their consequences. The dream says otherwise, but who would put his faith in dreams once they are recognized for what they are? Awareness of dreaming is the real function of God’s teachers. They watch the dream figures come and go, shift and change, suffer and die. Yet they are not deceived by what they see. They recognize that to behold a dream figure as sick and separate is no more real than to regard it as healthy and beautiful. Unity alone is not a thing of dreams. And it is this God’s teachers acknowledge as behind the dream, beyond all seeming and yet surely theirs.


I have often said that a thought or decision was not conscious. Jesus says that all our decisions are made consciously, that we know exactly what we are doing and aware of the consequences of that choice. I use the word unconscious to mean that my ego mind is in denial and so as I am using the ego mind to think, it feels like an unconscious decision.

The point Jesus is making here is important, though, and perhaps it would be of benefit to me to recognize my intention when I choose to dream. This would help me to become more aware of when I am indulging the dream and by so doing, giving myself another opportunity to further awaken from the dream.

Sometimes I do watch the dream figures come and go and I am not deceived. I know it is a dream. Other times, I am as lost in the dream as anyone, just another dream figure coming and going. When we are lost in the dream and believe we are the dream figures, our mind is sick and needs to be healed. Then Holy Spirit will do this for us if we ask with a true willingness to be healed.

Then Jesus says something else interesting. He says that to behold a dream figure as sick and separate is no more real than to regard it as healthy and beautiful. Our goal is to recognize the dream figure as unreal.  I had not thought of it like that, but I see that it is true. I do ask for healing so that I never become confused about what is real and what is not. As I give up the belief that bodies are real, the remembrance of oneness takes their place.

From reading something that Regina Dawn Akers wrote, I am reminded that our efforts are two-fold. We notice our thinking errors and let them be healed. Then we shift our focus to what is true. This is my process for releasing the untrue thoughts and embracing the truth of oneness, and it works well for me. If I notice that I feel disheartened, I look within for the thoughts I have chosen to believe that caused this feeling. Then I ask for correction, for another way to see. Once that is done, I choose different thoughts, thoughts that come to me as a result of that request for healing. I give them my attention and my belief.


When I ask for anything that would support the ego thought system and thus maintain the dream state, I am asking for something that would hurt me and since I cannot be hurt I am asking for nothing. This would not be a true question, and it would not even be a question from me, but from the ego.

Here is an example of how I saw this in action one time a while back when I was still working. I had a very chaotic day at work. Nothing went right. I had to wait for customers at each stop and this put me behind on my schedule at a time when I could not afford to be behind. A lot of things went wrong, little mix-ups, miscommunications, and the lot. By the end of the day, I realized that my chaotic thinking had made a chaotic day and so I asked for clarity.

I used Lesson 325, the keynote, to salvation to help me see what happened. This lesson tells us how we make the day we experience. We have a desire and from that desire, we make an image of what the desire would look like. Then we project that desire and look on it as if it was real and we defend it. So I asked the Holy Spirit to show me the desire that sourced this chaotic day,

It all began because I was disgruntled with work, with the company I work for and with my boss. I felt underappreciated and unfairly treated. This feeling was my request. Holding this belief in my mind and believing it was true is what started the whole thing. My desire, based on this belief was to be unfairly treated, and to see myself in a job that made me miserable.

From this desire, I made an image of how this could be true. This image could have appeared in many ways but the image I made for that day was to have a chaotic day of late meetings and everything going wrong. I got a clue during the day when after one particularly difficult experience. I had the thought that this was just not fair. I have noticed since I started using Lesson 325 as a practice that I have a lot of experiences stemming from the request to be unfairly treated, and to be a victim. So I knew, in a general way what was going on, but it took me a while to let go of my victim stance and ask for clarity.

This desire to see what it feels like to be unfairly treated and to be a victim is not a real question because it hurts me. It is an effort to make the world real. The ego answers it readily because making the world appear real is its goal. That is why it took me a whole day to get clear on it. All the circumstances I had projected outward confused me temporarily and I believed in them and defended them.

I had thoughts like, “This is so unfair,” and “I wish I could retire and not have to do this job anymore.” Those thoughts were in defense of the idea that my experience is reality, I really am a victim, and the answer is to change the world. I had a desire, I made an image of that desire, I projected the image and then I believed in it and defended it.

But I also have true thoughts in my mind and even while all this was happening, I was aware of those thoughts as well. It felt frustrating because I was asking for conflicting solutions. I was asking the ego to fix this problem and I was asking the Holy Spirit to heal my mind. Conflict is suffering, and boy, was I suffering! It wasn’t until I was clear about what I really wanted that I got relief.

When I finally set aside the desire to be unfairly treated and made a different choice, that is, I wanted my mind to be healed, the Holy Spirit answered my request swiftly and completely. When I asked for my mind to be healed, I was asking a real question, one that leads me to an awareness of love’s presence. This is a question from my right mind and the answer is the Will of God so it cannot fail to be answered.

It became clear to me that my job is not my problem and retirement or another job is not the answer. There is only one problem and one solution and the circumstances in my life represent either the problem or the solution, depending on what I want. The problem did not begin in the world and the solution is not there. It began in my mind with a desire to be unlike God, and the solution is in my mind as well. It is the Holy Spirit, and the remembrance of what I am.

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