Together, We Light the Way

Gentle Healing Lesson 144, Manual for Teachers, Text.  5-27-19

My mind holds only what I think with God.

(127) There is no love but God’s.

(128) The world I see holds nothing that I want.

When I contemplate the world, I know it has no value because it is not Love. There are moments when it reflects that love and those moments are the true miracles. In every disaster, there are heroes who give their lives to protect others, who step forward to help when others are in need. When I read those stories, I cry because it is so beautiful to see God’s Love reflected even in the dream. Even in shows where someone is kind, giving, loving, I cry for the beauty of it.

We are the Love that is God and so love echoes all around us and in us and the more we see its value the more we are drawn to the loving and to express the loving. We can suppress love but we cannot destroy it or even change it in the minutest of ways, because of the Source of Love from which all loving expressions flow. We can only learn that we are that Love as well and we learn that by being loving and by desiring only love.

It is helpful to learn what is not a reflection of love. Selfishness, judgment, fearfulness and guilt are not love and so no part of these behaviors is of God and nothing done through them will bring happiness and peace. None of those ideas are part of my mind which holds only God. They are ego ideas and part of the world made to explore all things not God. I want no part of that world.

And yet, here I am, so I must want to be here. I can be here to play and to punish. I can be here in pretense that I am a victim of this world and that this is somehow normal and inevitable, that this is all there is. I can take it all in and experience it fully and I should. But there is another way of being in the world that releases me from the world. There is a higher purpose for being here and every morning and every night I am setting an intention to know the unique form of that purpose, the form meant for me, and then I spend a few minutes letting my mind imagine living that purpose and the joy it brings me.

Regina’s Tips

“My mind holds only what I think with God.”

The workbook instructions for the review period say, “It is this thought that fully guarantees salvation to the Son. For in his mind no thoughts can dwell but those his Father shares. Lack of forgiveness blocks this thought from his awareness. Yet it is forever true.”

This means that when we let our attention dwell with any thought, emotion or desire that is inevitably temporary, or when we let our attention dwell with anything that it cannot dwell on eternally, we block our realization of truth.

My Thoughts
When my mind dwells on the world of form that form becomes an obstruction to what is true, that is the thoughts I think with God. I dwell on the world when I get anxious about time, when I worry about money, when I feel upset about a relationship. When I dwell there, I turn to the ego to see what it means and what I can do to save myself.

On the other hand, when these things come up, I can recognize that they are not worthy of my continued attention. If something needs to be done in the world, I can ask within what it means and how it must be dealt with, then let it go. This frees me to “dwell in the House of the Lord” as the Bible phrases it. I think of it as dwelling in the Heart where I commune with God.

Manual for Teachers
8 Teacher of God, do not forget the meaning of sacrifice, and remember what each decision you make must mean in terms of cost. Decide for God, and everything is given you at no cost at all. Decide against Him, and you choose nothing, at the expense of the awareness of everything. What would you teach? Remember only what you would learn. For it is here that your concern should be. Atonement is for you. Your learning claims it and your learning gives it. The world contains it not. But learn this course and it is yours. God holds out His Word to you, for He has need of teachers. What other way is there to save His Son?


The responsibility that is ours to meet would feel unbearable if we were alone in meeting it, but we are not. We have all the help we need. God, Himself, holds out His Word to us. He needs us, His teachers. It is no sacrifice to answer this call. All we need do is decide for God. I gladly accept this call.

It is late in the night and I am unable to sleep. When things like this happen and I call for help and hear no answering Voice, I doubt myself and doubt the words I read. But I know that doubt is the voice of ego. If I need sleep, I will sleep. If I don’t sleep, I don’t need it. Maybe this writing is what was calling me out of my bed and once done, I will be called back to it.

What will I teach? I will teach love and oneness because that is what I want to learn. It is why I am here, my purpose and my function. I will stay vigilant for any thoughts that are not loving and gladly sacrifice them. I feel so close to God tonight, so filled with love, I think that I will always feel this, surely. I know from experience that it is likely to fade in the day when things are hectic and noisy and the world pulls on my attention. But I will bring this feeling with me and so the world will only claim a part of my mind, the rest of my mind will remember my purpose.


It is impossible for me to be anything except whole and one.

Holy Spirit, I understand that I am being told that Creation is the extension of God and that it can never change or be changed. I read; “We are creation; we the Sons of God.” I notice a thrill of recognition. But I also notice a seed of doubt that quickly grows as I consider it. I ask myself what is more likely, that I am the Son of God with all the power and creative force of God, or that I am simply Myron, alone and limited and fragile, and daily coming closer to the end of my pitiful life? The ego thought of separation in my mind makes me want to curl up in the corner and hide from the thought of holiness.

Holy Spirit: Holy Son of God, turn your face from the lies of ego. It tells sad and frightening stories to scare the child it dreamed. You are so afraid of opening your heart to your loving Father because you feel as if you swim in a lake of guilt; guilt so deep and so thick it will hold you forever bound in its dark and awful depths. These dreams of fear are the source for all the thousands of stories you have lived.

Each story tells you that you are unworthy and guilty and doomed. Even your happy stories are often based on someone else’s loss. The best story you have ever made is laced with dread that it will soon end. Why would the perfect Son of a perfect God live in fear and dread of his own power? Why would he embrace guilt with such fearsome determination?

Holy One, put away your toys of self-destruction. Take up, instead, the hand of your brother and come to Me, for your guilt is unfounded, your fear an illusion. Your Father smiles with gentle tenderness at your playful efforts to create outside your own nature. God is your loving Father, not an angry judge.

I assure you that you have come to the truth because you recognize the truth. You hear it and you feel the answering call from deep within your holy mind. Do not look at the flimsy excuse for proof of failure and punishment the ego offers. Just pull your eyes from its insane stories and know that only God is true. You can play at being less, but you cannot do anything in your play that would make you less than you were created. Only your thoughts condemn you; God but loves you.

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