Together, We Light the Way

Gentle Healing Lesson 156, Manual for Teachers, Text.  8-02-19

Lesson 156
I walk with God in perfect holiness.

I realize that I really do believe that I am sinless. The ego, on the other hand, takes serious exception to that belief and is only too happy to remind me of my many errors. But it seems like I am beginning to understand that errors are not sins. In fact, maybe the things I thought were errors really were not. Maybe they were perfect in ways I cannot, with my limited vision, understand.

God did not cause guilt and so it cannot exist. Besides which, thoughts leave not their source and since I am a Thought in the Mind of God, I cannot be apart from God. No matter how vivid this dream of being separated from God, it cannot possibly be true. I cannot be apart from my Source.

As Jesus says: “He is what your life is. Where you are He is. There is one life. That life you share with Him. Nothing can be apart from Him and live.” I must be holy because God is holy. I must be innocent because He is innocent. I must be life because He is Life. When I see this written out and follow the logic of it, I see that I must be this.

Look at paragraph five.

“The light in you is what the universe longs to behold. All living things are still before you, for they recognize Who walks with you. The light you carry is their own. And thus they see in you their holiness, saluting you as savior and as God. Accept their reverence, for it is due to Holiness Itself, which walks with you, transforming in Its gentle light all things unto Its likeness and Its purity.”

I have to stop and contemplate this.

The above statement is true of Who I am. It feels weird to say this about myself only when I think of myself as Myron the body/personality mask I assume for this dreamy experience. Even if I think of myself without the body but still dreaming of being separate from God, I cannot believe what Jesus is saying here.

But if I simply accept as true that I am not separate from God nor different than He created me to be, then I must be a holy savior. I must be God. The one Who walks with me is my true Self. That Self is part of God. Ultimately, that Self is God because God is Whole and does not have parts. I am practicing simply accepting that what Jesus says about me is true, and everything I perceive is part of a dream I am having, a long con I am playing on myself.

And what is it that keeps me from reclaiming my birthright? It is only the belief in sin. This is why Jesus keeps reiterating that we are innocent and that we are sinless, and that guilt does not exist. I don’t have to undo every error I ever made or somehow make amends for them as the idea of karma suggests. Instead, what I need to do is to accept that I have never done anything that makes me guilty except in time and time doesn’t exist. I can know that I am God the Son if I simply step into that role, I think.

“Yet you have wasted many, many years on just this foolish thought. The past is gone, with all its fantasies. They keep you bound no longer. The approach to God is near. And in the little interval of doubt that still remains, you may perhaps lose sight of your Companion, and mistake Him for the senseless, ancient dream that now is past.”

So what must I do about the little interval of doubt? I continue to be aware of those doubts and to remind myself that I am innocent and I am holy and that I am the Self I have been trying to remember. I can believe everything that Jesus says about me and my belief will change everything because what we believe is true for us. I can do what Jesus suggests at the end of the lesson.

“Who walks with me?” This question should be asked a thousand times a day, till certainty has ended doubting and established peace. Today let doubting cease. God speaks for you in answering your question with these words:

I walk with God in perfect holiness. I light the world, I light my mind and all the minds which God created one with me.

Regina’s Tips
NTI Acts, Chapter 5 makes this point when it says, “God is Life, and you live, so Life must be within you. This means that God is within you also. … Right now, as you sit reading this, you live. So right now, you cannot be separate from God. Right now, God is in you and you are in God. There is no separation. Right now, your oneness with God is complete …”

Guilt and unworthiness are concepts. They are imagination. This is easy to see if you will look beyond your imagination to truth.

Life is always clean, untouched by what the body does or what the mind thinks, just as sunlight is untouched by the stained glass window that it shines through. And life is what you are, and what others are. This is what’s consistently true. When your eyes have learned to look at truth, everything else pales by comparison.

Today’s lesson says, “’Who walks with me?’ is a question that “should be asked a thousand times a day, till certainty has ended doubting and established peace.” When you ask this question, look. Is life here now? Does it go wherever you go? Is life what you are? Keep looking. Keep noticing until you have trained your eyes to look beyond everything temporary and focus themselves on life.

Manual for Teachers
Key Points for Section 7
This section is explaining why it is healing should never be repeated. When we heal a patient, the only reason we would repeat it is if we looked at the patient and decided that the outward appearance indicates a failure to heal. This is lack of trust and lack of trust is an attack. I bet that everyone has had this experience at one time or another. I know that when my loved one was drinking, I asked for healing for him and it seemed like nothing was happening except more drinking, more trips to the emergency room, more near-death experiences.

I lacked trust because I believed what my eyes showed me. I forgot that the eyes show us only the illusion. Eventually, I was able to disregard what I saw with my eyes and to trust that Love heals. It took me a while because I let fear distract me from the truth and so I had to accept healing for myself first, then I could offer healing. This is just an error and not a sin. An error can be corrected and it was. That is why Jesus tells us that our function is to accept the Atonement for ourselves. We can’t give what we don’t have.

One day, Holy Spirit and I looked at some guilt in my mind. I thought this particular guilt was forgiven and the Atonement accepted – done! Evidently, I was still holding onto it. The experience of looking at it came as a total surprise to self as Myron. I sat down to do a meditation that I prefaced with, “Father, I come to You today to seek the peace that You alone can give,” and began to cry. I, at first, tried to contain the feeling, then, having caught that impulse, let go and cried. I wondered what was going on.

It was then that the memory of what might have been an error came into the mind. I became totally immersed in the experience at that point. I felt the regret and guilt and fear over what was done in the past and though I wanted it to stop and thought about stopping it, I let it rush through me, flooding me with emotion. When it began to subside, I began the restorative. It took awhile because the experience of it lingered and the mind felt confused.

I talked to Jesus about it for a while off and on during the day. I told him that I see how I was holding onto the idea that, yes, I did this thing and yes, it had effects and, oh, how I wish I could undo them. And he talked to me about the unreality of the error and that only love is real. I finally saw how, in the moment of the error, I was being driven by fear and the fear blocked out everything else.

I hope never to experience that again, and that from now on, I will always stop and be still and let myself be guided. Now as I write this, I see that my prayer for absolution has been answered. The Holy Spirit has healed that self-inflicted wound in my heart. Jesus is reminding me that the effects can be undone, leaving everyone free of pain from my past. He suggests that I use the prayer at the end of Chapter 5 to help me accept this gift.

I must have decided wrongly, because I am not at peace.
I made the decision myself, but I can also decide otherwise.
I want to decide otherwise, because I want to be at peace.
I do not feel guilty, because the Holy Spirit will undo all the consequences of my wrong decision if I will let Him.
I choose to let Him, by allowing Him to decide for God for me.

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