Together, We Light the Way


I received an email that changed my life. In this email I heard about a Hawaiian healing process called Ho?opnopnono.  The email tells about how Dr. Hew Len used this process to heal an entire ward of criminally insane people without ever seeing any of the patients. He did this by healing the part of him that created them. He called this taking total responsibility.

I was deeply touched by the truth I read in this email. Understanding that I am not a victim of the world I see, and knowing that I am responsible for my life is one of the most important things I have ever learned. Being responsible means there is no one to blame for what happens in my life, and that is so freeing. Dr. Len helped me to take this idea to a new level. He says that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life-simply because it is in your life-is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation.

Because this is true, it becomes my responsibility to heal everything in my life, not just to work on those things which I personally contribute like the things I say to people which affect them and so cause a reaction that impacts my life, but literally everything in my life. This makes perfect sense. There is nothing out there. I made the whole thing up in my mind. Everything I see is a reflection of my belief system. If I don?t like it, I need to think differently. I know this, but I had never considered it in such a broad context. If I felt free before, I don?t even know what to call how I feel now.

Dr. Len said that the way he did the work at the hospital was to look at the patient?s files and then say ?I?m sorry? and ?I love you.? Joe Vitale, the creator of the email, said that when he used this process he didn?t even say it to anyone in particular; he was simply evoking the spirit of love to heal within himself what was creating the outer circumstance.

I was so excited to begin this work, and I had a perfect opportunity to do so. I had recently met a young woman with whom I had a conflicted relationship from the very beginning. I had no idea what the problem was, but I could tell she was experiencing the same thing. I asked the Holy Spirit to look at her ?file? with me. I saw that I was seeing some personality traits that I didn?t like.

Then I asked the Holy Spirit to look at my ?file? with me and to show me what I needed to see. I realized that I, too, have some of those same traits. They showed up in different ways, but they were definitely there. I saw that I didn?t like seeing that in myself, and that instead of asking for healing, I had projected them outward. In this way I could avoid experiencing the discomfort of guilt by making it seem that someone else was the guilty party. I felt very sorry that I did this, and withdrew those projections. I wanted them back so that I could ask the Holy Spirit to help me to see them differently.

I said that I was sorry. I said, ?I love you.? I did this over and over and soon I began to feel this deep connection with the Holy Spirit. I began to feel a sense of love and peace flow through me. It was a great feeling and I knew that I was healed. Suddenly my phone rang with a number I didn?t recognize. I was really surprised to see that it was the very person I had chosen to do the process around. I was surprised at the timing, and even more surprised that she would call me. That she even had my phone number was startling (and that turned out to be a miracle story in itself). By the time we had talked for thirty minutes, it was obvious that we both felt the healing.

I continued to use this process. I was at a business conference last week. A friend called to talk about how the latest terrorist activity in England would affect our travel plans. I didn?t know anything about it because I don?t watch television or listen to news reports. I decided to check it out. As I listened to the newscaster go over and over the same report, I began to feel the fear grow in me. I remembered why I quit watching these things, and I turned it off. The problem with fear is that it is like a virus; once you become infected with it, it spreads all through your thoughts.

I started thinking about my son?s back problem. He was going to the doctor soon, and I was worried about what would be said. I remembered that my daughter had called with an update on her house which was still being repaired from the hurricane damage. The costs were higher than expected and I worried that she would not be able to afford to do all the work needed. The fear thoughts were like a program running in the back of my mind as I went about my business at the busy conference.

Soon I was in a funk, without really knowing why. I did know that I had lost my peace and I wanted it back. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me see what needed healing. Very quickly I realized where the problem started. I noticed thoughts like, ?Some of these religious fanatics are really insane. No one is safe from them. It is just a matter of time before they succeed in another act of terror here in the US.? Then I asked the Holy Spirit to help me see what it was within myself that created terrorists. This is where the problem occurred, and this is where it must be corrected.

Together we looked at the terrorist file. I saw rage and fear, and intolerance. Then we looked at my file and I saw the same thing. I have moments of intense rage. Usually, I suppress it, but when I act on it I am a terrorist, too. I may not blow up buildings when I am enraged, but I cause pain and destroy relationships when I am acting out my anger. It is not a lesser act of terrorism because no one dies. It is only an ego device to camouflage rage as anger, annoyance, or frustration, but in truth no matter what the form looks like, if it is not God it is ego. Those are the only two choices.

I expressed my remorse at having projected my rage and intolerance in the form of terrorists. I asked the Holy Spirit to correct my thinking and to heal my mind. I expressed my love toward all. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me know that each terrorist is completely innocent no matter what his actions. I am completely innocent no matter what my actions, or even my thoughts. I was surprised at how quickly I regained my peace. I felt light and I smiled a lot. Ahhh!

Another way this process has been useful concerns body issues. Anyone who has read much of what I have written knows that I have a core issue around my body weight. I just bought some new fall clothes and before I could wear any of them, I gained a few pounds. I was really disgusted with myself, and then I thought about my tendency to rename my fury to make it sound more acceptable. So I really let go and said what I was thinking. ?I hate my body. I hate my weakness. I hate what I do to myself.? Whew, that was even hard to write. No wonder I prefer to project this kind of thing.

I asked the Holy Spirit to help me with this. What I got is that I am never going to heal anything through hatred. Healing takes place only through Love. So I used the Ho?opnopnono process with this also. I apologized for my projections and decided to stop blaming everything outside myself. I decided to accept that it is not food that makes me gain weight. It is not my mom?s fault for passing me the fat gene. I asked the Holy Spirit to look at this with me and help me see what it is within myself that creates this outer appearance. What is it within myself that needs to be healed? 

Then I started saying I love you. I love every part of myself, including the part that projected the guilt that translated into excess body. I love you. I love you. Now every time I have an unloving thought about myself, I remember to love myself instead. When I find it difficult to do this, I ask the Holy Spirit to teach me how to love. I don?t have absolute clarity about what it is in me that needs to be healed, but I do absolutely know that it is through love that it will be healed.

Have you ever used this process? I would love to hear about your experiences with it, or perhaps you have another healing process you like. If so, I would like to hear about that as well. My email address is .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) I look forward to hearing from you.

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