Together, We Light the Way

Let Me Remember I am One With God.

Every morning I begin my day with my Daily Lesson. The format I use is from Revs Deb and Paul Phelps book “Illumination Journal” which has been an invaluable tool for me. I have come to love these early morning conversations with the Holy Spirit. I post them on my website: This is one that I found very helpful.

What does this lesson mean to me?
I am truly one with God and this means that I am joyful and peaceful and nothing can change that. It means there is no fear, guilt, pain, loneliness, or death. It is important to note that the lesson says let me remember. I don’t know this is true right now. If I did, I would not need this Course.

In order to remember I am one with God I must look at what I now believe instead and be willing to let it go. I bring the thoughts of anger and other ego thoughts to the truth that I am one with God and allow myself to know the truth. This is the same thing as choosing the Holy Spirit as my teacher instead of the ego.

Jesus lets us know that we are going to have trouble with this lesson but that it is ok. We should not judge how it seems to be going, but just do our part and let Him do His knowing that we will accept what healing we can and the rest will wait for our readiness.

How can I apply this in my life right now?
I have a hard time not judging myself for not doing better. When I do judge myself I am making the ego more real in my mind because I seem to be saying that it is powerful, more powerful than the Holy Spirit. Every time I feel discouraged about failing to meet my expectations I will bring this disappointment to the Holy Spirit and let Him help me see it differently.

My message from Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, I am getting that feeling of being overwhelmed again. I am working on releasing the idea that I am in control, and allowing you to be in control of every facet of my life rather than choosing where I want you and keeping the rest for myself. Now I am also thinking about how much more practice I need to be aware of errors in my mind that keep me from knowing I am one with God. It all seems like too much and I don’t know where to start.

Start with the fear thoughts in your mind right now. The ego would have you believe this is an impossible task and that you are certain to fail. Would you be willing to release that thought to me?

Yes, but I have to admit that I felt reluctance to do so.

The reluctance is your fear of success. If you give me your thoughts of failure and I correct them, you will be left with the certainty of success. You have been saying for years now that you will one day be free of the ego thought system. It feels safe enough to know that it will happen and it gives you hope. It also guarantees that hope is all you will have because you are keeping it in the future. As long as you keep it ahead of you it is safe; something to look forward to, but nothing you have to worry about because it is never here in the present.

You could wake up from the dream right now, in this instant if that is what you wanted to do. But to do that, you would have to be ok with not existing any more; at least the you that you recognize-the personality, body that you identify with-would no longer exist. This is your goal, and also your greatest fear. This is the source of your reluctance. Look at it without judgment and without fear or guilt. This is the condition of the separated sons.

Holy Spirit, I see what you mean. When you said I could wake up in this very instant, I felt paralyzed. I thought about not seeing my son graduate and missing my grandchildren growing up. I see how attached I am to story of my life. I cannot imagine anything else except as a vague abstract thought.

Yes, Myron, you cannot imagine unending bliss. The closest you have come to happiness is temporary lack of pain.

Holy Spirit, I have to tell you that you are not making me feel any better.

Myron, this may not feel like progress to you, but I assure you that it is important that you look at this. It is important that you recognize your fear of God and that you do so with Me so that you will not be afraid to look. Myron, the truth is, you are not reluctant to wake up; you are terrified to wake up. You are determined not to wake up. You do not believe me when I tell you that God does not want your sacrifice. And it is a great step forward that you are willing to see this is so.

Let me remind you not to judge your progress by your behavior. Do not become discouraged because you do not see a difference in yourself. Nothing that happens in the dream matters. When you see someone else making what seem to be errors, remember that it doesn’t matter. What you see in the dream are just reflections of errors in your mind. The world is useful only in that it helps you become aware of those errors and offers you the opportunity to have them corrected.

Continue to do what you are doing, Myron. Think often of God today and let me remind you of how much He loves you. If you feel discouraged, tell Me and I will dissolve the thought of discouragement with the light of God’s love in your mind. While you do not see yourself as ready to wake up in this moment, you are ready to see that you are resisting your own good. You are very close to being ready. What you do not know for yourself, I know for you. Give me your trust.

My message to Holy Spirit
Thank you so much for giving me Your thoughts this morning.

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