Together, We Light the Way

Seeing Past the Apparent to the Truth

What is becoming clearer to me all the time is that everone in my life is there for the purpose of helping me wake up, including this symbol I call Myron, and all the other bodies in my story. I know someone who is very bigoted in the most unpleasant of ways. When he is not expressing his bigotry, I like him very much, but this other side of him brings up the judgmental Myron in me.

What I can see now is that he placed all of these people he is prejudiced against in his life to give him a place to project his anger, frustration, and fear. It doesn’t matter what these people do or say, he will only see what he placed there.

It is not possible for him to see these people as part of his mind as long as he needs them to reflect his fear. At the same time, his higher Self, our mind, is using this same situation as a way to wake up. It is a movie of wrong-minded thinking- a way of seeing what it looks like, where it leads, and the lack of joy that results from it.

For me, my friend is the place where I put my judgment until I am able to lay judgment aside and see him as the Son of God he is. Everyone I see is just symbolic of a belief in the one mind. How can I be angry at a thought, or afraid or disdainful of a thought?

It is my intention to stop projecting my thoughts and to accept correction instead. When I look at someone, I want to recognize what it is they are symbolizing for me, thank them for that gift, forgive it, and allow the Christ to shine through instead.

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