Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, C 13: VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 6. 11-7-16

VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 6

6 They are all the same; all beautiful and equal in their holiness. And He will offer them unto His Father as they were offered unto Him. There is one miracle, as there is one reality. And every miracle you do contains them all, as every aspect of reality you see blends quietly into the one reality of God. The only miracle that ever was is God’s most holy Son, created in the one reality that is his Father. Christ’s vision is His gift to you. His Being is His Father’s gift to Him.


I am having trouble with this paragraph. It is hard for me to understand, and I guess the reason it is hard to understand is that Jesus is explaining something unexplainable. But I am going to look at it closely and ask for clarity. Here is what I understand.

They are all the same; all beautiful and equal in their holiness. That is us. We are aspects of a whole, all equal, all the same, all holy.

And He will offer them unto His Father as they were offered unto Him. That is, our awakening is the Holy Spirit’s function given Him by God. In fulfilling His function the Holy Spirit gives us back to God, awakened.

There is one miracle, as there is one reality. And every miracle you do contains them all, as every aspect of reality you see blends quietly into the one reality of God. We are studying A Course in Miracles. We are miracles and we are learning to give miracles, to do miracles, to perform miracles. These are all ways that Jesus refers to this aspect of our function here.

What he seems to be telling us in this paragraph is that every miracle we do contains all miracles. This reference brings to mind a hologram. Here is what I read about holograms: “…the word hologram comes from the Greek words holos, “whole,” and gramma, “message.” If a hologram is cut into pieces, each piece projects the entire image…”

Could it be that we are a whole and each aspect of us (the selves we cut into pieces) contains the whole? Jesus is telling us that miracles are like that. Each miracle, regardless of the form it takes, contains the whole, contains all miracles. Maybe that is what he is saying in the first principle of miracles: There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not “harder” or “bigger” than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal.

And this part of the sentence: …as every aspect of reality you see blends quietly into the one reality of God. I think this is saying that the miracle exposes an aspect of reality, some aspect of Love, and these aspects are part of God as well. God is the one reality and there is nothing else.

The only miracle that ever was is God’s most holy Son, created in the one reality that is his Father. So, the Son of God, of which we are an aspect, is the one miracle. Again I reference the hologram. An apple is photographed in a certain way that allows a holographic image to be seen. When this happens, you have the original image of an apple and you have a small image taken from the original. The small image contains everything the original contains. The Son of God is the miracle, and all the other miracles we perform are the original miracle in every way. Only form makes them appear as if they are different.

And the miracle that is the most holy Son was created in God. So there is still only God.

The Holy Spirit is the Thought of Correction and what is a Thought in the Mind of God is creation. So the Holy Spirit, like the Son, is also in God, therefore, there is still only God. His being is His Father’s gift to Him. And the Holy Spirit’s gift to us is Christ’s vision. Christ’s vision allows us to see only the truth without the errors of the ego distorting it. It is with Christ’s vision that we are able to see the beautiful brilliant light that is our brother in spite of the character he seems to be playing.

This is my present best understanding of this paragraph.

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