Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, C 13: VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 8. 11-10-16

VIII. From Perception to Knowledge, P 8

8 When you have seen your brothers as yourself you will be released to knowledge, having learned to free yourself through Him Who knows of freedom. Unite with me under the holy banner of His teaching, and as we grow in strength the power of God’s Son will move in us, and we will leave no one untouched and no one left alone. And suddenly time will be over, and we will all unite in the eternity of God the Father. The holy light you saw outside yourself, in every miracle you offered to your brothers, will be returned to you. And knowing that the light is in you, your creations will be there with you, as you are in your Father.


It has been a long time now since I did something that affected a brother and did not consider that what affects one, affects all. I cannot do or say something unkind, even think something unkind without affecting myself and the entire Sonship. Though I sometimes go back to thinking of this one or that one as separate, or sometimes a particular situation triggers a response that is intended to defend or attack. But that is now the exception instead of the rule, and even then there is a knowing in me that I am mistaken.

When I think of our complete unbroken union, I often think of the Borg. If you are not a Trekkie, let me explain. The Borg are a race of people in the Star Trek series. They are a collective; each individual a part of the whole. To me, the Borg represent an ego version of the idea of union. They act as one and act in accordance to the good of the whole, but they are without compassion or love or kindness. Their imperative is survival of the whole through assimilation, defense and attack.

But I think in terms of Love. What if we remembered the truth about our nature? What if we remembered we were gods, and remembered that means we are Love itself? We would then turn as one, not to defend or attack, but turn in compassion, turn in peace, turn in joy and certainty and fearlessness. I think that we are actually doing this now. Each of us, as we allow our minds to be healed, is remembering that this is what we are. We are each whole and part of a whole.

We do not assimilate others into our wholeness, but rather we live a life that invites union. As more and more choose to live as one and as the Son of God that we are, the stronger the pull toward that union, and the more impelling it becomes. Love is the force that ties us together. There is a different force, though, that drives us apart, and that is fear and guilt.

When we choose to believe in fear and guilt rather than love we are polarized. We saw that happen recently in the campaign for president. An entire nation began taking sides against each other and in their fear they attacked, friends and even family members turning on each other. Even though a decision has been made, a president elected, there is no peace because there has been no overriding decision for love.

More than ever before we are given an opportunity as spiritual beings to be the love that we are and in so doing to be the miracle workers that we are asked to be. I understand the temptation to turn toward fear, but I also know that this is an ego desire, not my true desire. I think of all that could go wrong and soon the ego mind is off and running and I am filled with regret that our fear turned us toward an idea of defense and self-centered action. I am filled with fear as to where this might lead us.

But then I remember that nothing is happening except that I am projecting my ego fears onto a future, and that is not something I want to do. All thought produces form at some level and this is not a future I want to produce. Also, God is not in the future; He is in this moment. Sometimes I have to drag my mind, kicking and screaming, back to the now, but I do it. I remember that I cannot enter God’s presence if I attack His Son. We are God’s Son and if we attack any part of that Sonship, we are attacking the Whole.

For some lightworkers, their part of this story may be to enter the political arena, or to influence that arena. If so, it must be done from compassion and love and with kindness. It must be done without placing guilt and without working from a place of fear. It must be done with constant guidance. Otherwise, the worker has turned from light and toward the darkness.

We cannot, as A Course in Miracles students, assimilate others, we can only show them the light and that light will offer an irresistible invitation. My intention and my devotion is toward that light and toward the Love in Which I was created. I invite you to join me in this powerful intention. Let us unite with Jesus under the holy banner of His teaching, and as we grow in strength the power of God’s Son will move in us, and we will leave no one untouched and no one left alone.

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