Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, C 14: II. The Happy Learner, P 4. 2-15-17

II. The Happy Learner, P 4

4 Like you, the Holy Spirit did not make truth. Like God, He knows it to be true. He brings the light of truth into the darkness, and lets it shine on you. And as it shines your brothers see it, and realizing that this light is not what you have made, they see in you more than you see. They will be happy learners of the lesson this light brings to them, because it teaches them release from nothing and from all the works of nothing. The heavy chains that seem to bind them to despair they do not see as nothing, until you bring the light to them. And then they see the chains have disappeared, and so they must have been nothing. And you will see it with them. Because you taught them gladness and release, they will become your teachers in release and gladness.


I know this is true but I asked Holy Spirit how to talk about it. I asked for an example and He reminded me of a time when I was dating a man I was going to later marry. He and I had a very serious disagreement on the way to play volleyball with friends. When we got there I was still reeling from our argument and I couldn’t get into the game.

The couple who lived at the house where the game was taking place were not playing either and when I went in to use their restroom, we introduced ourselves and struck up a conversation. It was a bit of a struggle for me to be friendly at first because I was still upset, but the conversation somehow turned to my study of A Course in Miracles.

This was not something I talked about casually and I cannot remember how it even came into the conversation, but they were interested and so we talked about it for a good while. They began to study it themselves, and though they soon moved away and I did not have the pleasure of joining them in the study, I felt very blessed to have been given the opportunity to introduce them to this path.

This was early in my own study and I was not accustomed to this. It made a strong impression on me, though. For one thing, once we started talking about the Course, all upset fell away as if it was nothing. Up to that point, the argument seemed like the only thing that mattered, and suddenly it lost its hold on me.

Another reason it was important is that I saw how uplifting it is to share what I am given, and how the act of sharing automatically brought me out of my ego thinking and into Spirit’s influence. I was teaching them what I had been taught, and in the process, I was learning it again, having what I knew reinforced in my mind. This is something that would be repeated many times until I knew without doubt that what I teach, I learn.

And I have often, since then, had the experience of being uplifted as I allowed the Holy Spirit to work through me. This would happen even when, or maybe especially when, the ego mind was bringing me down. I would, sometimes reluctantly, step out of myself long enough for the Holy Spirit to help me remember that the ego is not myself. I would see this happen when the words simply came and they hit their mark, and this at a time when I could not seem to help myself, much less someone else. And suddenly we are both receiving the help we need.

“And you will see it with them. Because you taught them gladness and release, they will become your teachers in release and gladness.”

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