Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, C 14: IV. Your Function in the Atonement, P 9. 4-6-17

IV. Your Function in the Atonement, P 9
9 The children of Heaven live in the light of the blessing of their Father, because they know that they are sinless. The Atonement was established as the means of restoring guiltlessness to minds that have denied it, and thus denied Heaven to itself. Atonement teaches you the true condition of the Son of God. It does not teach you what you are, or what your Father is. The Holy Spirit, who remembers this for you, merely teaches you how to remove the blocks that stand between you and what you know. His memory is yours. If you remember what you have made, you are remembering nothing. Remembrance of reality is in Him, and therefore in you.


Thank you, Jesus, for reminding me over and over that I have only one choice to make; I can have awareness of my true self or I can live in my ego. And most welcome is the reminder that salvation exists in my mind. It is always available to me as a thought I think with God. That is the Atonement. This Thought of Salvation, this thought that is in both my mind and God’s Mind. An easy way to think of it is that salvation is the same as the Atonement and that it is the restoration of guiltlessness to our minds.

Our part right now is to remove the blocks that stand between us and what we know. So we are not learning what we are, just remembering. The Holy Spirit knows who we are and He will teach us to remove the blocks to that knowledge. I have spoken before about someone I care about who has some challenges right now. I heard from him yesterday and it seems these challenges are reaching a critical point.

My first thought was to speak from my fear and give him some grave warnings. I wanted to scare him or guilt him into acting in his best interest. I felt justified in taking this action because of the immediate danger. But, I have chosen this path to salvation and was determined to stay on it. My job is to notice when I am listening to the ego and to change my mind. I turned to Holy Spirit and asked Him what I should say and do.

When I spoke to this loved one, I reminded him that I was on his side. I reminded him of the choices he could make and offered to be there for him. I didn’t act like he didn’t have a problem, but I was gentle and patient with him. We spoke several times. It seems to be working out. This morning he called to let me know he is still alive, if suffering.

This sounds smooth and simple and easy when I write about it. But that was not how it felt. I had to let the Holy Spirit guide me to remove some of those blocks before I could respond in a loving way. One block was that he was guilty and lord knows he offered plenty of proof for that one. But the Holy Spirit reminded me that this “proof” is illegitimate. The only proof that is true is that he is innocent.

Another block was the belief that I couldn’t keep doing this, that it is not my job to rescue him. How many times can I just forgive and go on? The Holy Spirit helped me to see that forgiveness is the only answer and it is the answer every time. Love is the only response and is always the appropriate response. He helped me to see that my upset over this was really just my fear that I would say or do the wrong thing, and that as long as I kept listening to Him, the Holy Spirit would guide me to the right thing.

It was both simple and easy and at the same time, it was nerve jangling. I had a bowl of jelly beans for supper. LOL. I guess jelly beans are better than having a Valium for supper, but being at ease with these upsets would be even better. What I know is that each time I choose Holy Spirit over ego this becomes easier. And looking back at it, I see that it was much easier than the time before. I was upset but the upset was short-lived, and I went to Spirit before I spoke. Last time I let my fear drive me to speak first and ask (Holy Spirit) questions later. Not a good plan.

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