Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, C 14: VIII. The Holy Meeting Place, P 2. 6-5-17

VIII. The Holy Meeting Place, P 2
2 He shares it still, for you. Everything that promises otherwise, great or small, however much or little valued, He will replace with the one promise given unto Him to lay upon the altar to your Father and His Son. No altar stands to God without His Son. And nothing brought there that is not equally worthy of Both, but will be replaced by gifts wholly acceptable to Father and to Son. Can you offer guilt to God? You cannot, then, offer it to His Son. For they are not apart, and gifts to One are offered to the Other. You know not God because you know not this. And yet you do know God and also this. All this is safe within you, where the Holy Spirit shines. He shines not in division, but in the meeting place where God, united with His Son, speaks to His Son through Him. Communication between what cannot be divided cannot cease. The holy meeting place of the un-separated Father and His Son lies in the Holy Spirit and in you. All interference in the communication that God Himself wills with His Son is quite impossible here. Unbroken and uninterrupted love flows constantly between the Father and the Son, as Both would have it be. And so it is.

My life as I experience it now is a dichotomy. I am a woman, a body, a personality; I am spirit. I am guilty; I am innocent. I love, I hate. I do not know what I am, and I know very well what I am. There is what I think of myself and then there is what is true about me. What I think about myself is mine alone and cannot be shared. What I think about myself I cannot offer to God.

But there is a place in me that is real, an altar where I meet my Brother and where I meet God. In this meeting place, there is no separation, no interference. There is unbroken and uninterrupted love flowing between Father and Son.  The Holy Spirit keeps this place within me. I can visit it in my meditation and sometimes in my dreams, but how do I stay there?

Jesus makes it clear that I cannot dwell in God alone. I must join with my brothers because there is no Self alone. Jesus simplifies this by telling me that I must not offer to my brothers what I would not offer to God. I cannot offer my brother resentment or anger, not fear and not jealousy because these are not offerings fit for God, and my brothers are in no way separate from God.

Another way to think of this is to realize that I cannot enter the Kingdom (God) if I attack His Son. Obviously, His Son is of His Kingdom and to attack Him is to attack God. Each time I see that I am offering my brother something unworthy of God I remember the stakes. Is guilt so important to me, so necessary to my sense of self that I am willing to forfeit Heaven in order to preserve guilt? Is guilt so important to me that I would renounce God rather than to relinquish it?

We are a Thought in the Mind of God, and thoughts leave not their source. There is no way we can be separated from God, but we can be lost to the memory of where we are and what we are. The pain of thinking we are separated from God is as hideous as being lost to God, thus this elaborate ego deception we maintain to hide from our loss.

Who could face such a thing day in and day out without going mad? And all along, we remain God’s holy child, safe and whole and perfect as He created us, only dreaming of self-destruction. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up to Reality. Remember that it is only in defenselessness that your safety lies. Stop striking out in fear and anger at your brothers and start reaching out in love and acceptance. This is the miracle that will awaken us all.

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