Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, C 14: X. The Equality of Miracles, P 6. 7-10-17

X. The Equality of Miracles, P 6
6 It will seem difficult for you to learn that you have no basis at all for ordering your thoughts. This lesson the Holy Spirit teaches by giving you the shining examples of miracles to show you that your way of ordering is wrong, but that a better way is offered you. The miracle offers exactly the same response to every call for help. It does not judge the call. It merely recognizes what it is, and answers accordingly. It does not consider which call is louder or greater or more important. You may wonder how you who are still bound to judgment can be asked to do that which requires no judgment of your own. The answer is very simple. The power of God, and not of you, engenders miracles. The miracle itself is but the witness that you have the power of God in you. That is the reason why the miracle gives equal blessing to all who share in it, and that is also why everyone shares in it. The power of God is limitless. And being always maximal, it offers everything to every call from anyone. There is no order of difficulty here. A call for help is given help.

This paragraph addresses the question of how it is that we can do miracles when we cannot even order our thoughts, and when our efforts to do so limit us. The answer is that the miracles we perform are engendered through the power of God that is in us. In the principles of miracles, we are told that the miracle itself doesn’t matter, and the only thing that does matter is their Source.

In this paragraph, Jesus explains further. The reason for the miracle through us is to show us that we do have the power of God in us. This is a lesson we need to learn, or more accurately stated, a memory we need to recover. When we identify with the ego mind, we lose that memory. We become confused as to what is possible and our part in it. We forget the power of God is in us, and the miracle is the witness to that power.
Because in our confused state, we think we need to establish some kind of order to our thoughts, we would believe we had to make all sorts of judgments before we answered a call for a miracle. We would try to sort our thoughts about it, asking ourselves how the miracle should look, if the person is worthy of the miracle, are they ready for a miracle or would it scare them? Who gets the miracle and to what degree? Is this miracle even possible?

We would get so mired down in our judgments that nothing would ever get done, or what started as an answer to a call for help would become a condemnation of the caller. I’ve watched my thoughts long enough to know this is true. My mind can get all tangled up and confuse the illusion with the truth.

The power of God within us simply answers every call for help with help. It answers all equally; everyone shares in the miracle. God is not confused by our illusions. It does not judge the call. It doesn’t examine it to determine if it is important or how big the miracle would have to be. He doesn’t judge the level of need or the order of difficulty.

God simply recognizes the call and answers it. God’s power is limitless, His answer certain. It’s very simple: A call for help is given help. This power is in us and, therefore, this is true for all of us. Through the power of God within us, we can answer all calls for help where the call is given, with no other consideration. We are, through the power of God within us, miracle workers.

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