Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, C 15: VIII. The Only Real Relationship, P 5. 5-25-18

VIII. The Only Real Relationship, P 5
5 The Holy Spirit is God’s attempt to free you of what He does not understand. And because of the Source of the attempt, it will succeed. The Holy Spirit asks you to respond as God does, for He would teach you what you do not understand. God would respond to every need, whatever form it takes. And so He keeps this channel open to receive His communication to you, and yours to Him. God does not understand your problem in communication, for He does not share it with you. It is only you who believe that it is understandable. The Holy Spirit knows that it is not understandable, and yet He understands it because you made it.

God does not understand our problem with communication but He understands that we think we have a problem and so He supplies the Answer to that problem. The Holy Spirit can correct this for us because while He knows it is not understandable He understands it because we made it. That is what the Holy Spirit is for and we make use of the Answer when we call on Him to correct our thinking.

Jesus says that the Holy Spirit asks you to respond as God does, for He would teach you what you do not understand. My first thought was that I don’t know how God responds so how can I do that. Then the next sentence answered my question. Jesus says that God would respond to every need, whatever form it takes. I think that I am being told to be as open and responsive as God is.

Let me repeat that. God responds to my every need, whatever form it takes. What a wonderfully loving and reassuring sentence that is! I believe this is true and yet, sometimes I fail to receive His response. This is part of my communication problem. I ask for a need to be filled and then I fail to accept the answer and so even though God keeps the communication channel open between us, I cannot take advantage of that channel because I block it on my end.

The real question is why on earth would I ever do this? Why would I ask and then refuse to accept? Part of the problem, I think, is that I have chosen to experience myself as separate from God and this separation is so strongly reinforced in my mind that I no longer even realize how I communicate with my Father.

Sometimes I ask in words for what it is that I think I need. But mostly, it is my heart crying out for help and I may not even be aware on a conscious level that it is happening. My heart, the center of my being, knows what is needed, but my conscious (mostly ego) mind thinks it knows what is needed but is often completely wrong. No wonder I have a problem with communication.

If I ask for help but have already decided what the answer should be, I will not recognize I have been answered with that which is in my best interests. I am learning to ask for help with my heart and to let go of all expectations so that the answer, when received, will be recognized and appreciated, and thus accepted. My prayers now are more like this: “Here is my problem as I see it. Thank you for your answer.” Now, I am much closer to keeping the channel open to receive His communication to me, and mine to Him.

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