Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter 10: THE IDOLS OF SICKNESS, I. At Home in God, P 4. 5-12-15

I. At Home in God P 4
4 You will remember everything the instant you desire it wholly, for if to desire wholly is to create, you will have willed away the separation, returning your mind simultaneously to your Creator and your creations. Knowing them you will have no wish to sleep, but only the desire to waken and be glad. Dreams will be impossible because you will want only truth, and being at last your will, it will be yours.

I feel like saying, “the trick is,” to desire to be at Home in God you have to desire it wholly. Of course it is not a trick, it is simply necessary. I cannot be at Home in God if I am not the same as God. I cannot keep anger, fear, guilt, sadness, blame, suffering and death and expect to be in God. These are not God and so they cannot be in God. I must leave them behind to return to God.

It would not seem to be such a difficult choice and yet, here I am with my grievances. Everyone in my life, even those most “special” to me, the ones I claim to love more than myself, become repositories for my guilt. I could easily release guilt and fear as well, but I hold onto it as if it is my very salvation. I have whittled this stuff down as I have looked at it with Spirit, but I have not released it entirely, and I cannot enter the Kingdom with even a very little of what is not God.

Today, as I write this, my lesson is, “I loose the world from all I think it is.” This lesson tells me that there is no world. The world I think I see is just an out-picturing of my desires. It is a great big theater that is always showing, The World According to Myron.” I re-write the script as my mind is healed because the world is nowhere except in my mind.

It is nothing except my thoughts and my thoughts change when I change my mind about the source of those thoughts. When I choose to think with the ego mind I will have an ego experience. I cannot bring the ego into the Kingdom, so I remain in the world I made up until I change my mind. When I decide to think the thoughts I think with God, my dream becomes a happy dream and the world reflects that change until it disappears.

It is all up to me. It is my dream and I must decide the direction that dream will take. As I change my mind, the dream changes and it is better. But do I want a better dream? Or do I want the Kingdom? Do I want to return to eternal bliss and to full creation, or do I want to play around in the muck some more? If I choose to relinquish the ego mind completely, in that very moment, I will remember everything! It is just that simple.

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