Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter 11: I. The Gifts of Fatherhood, P 5. 8-12-15

I. The Gifts of Fatherhood, P 5

5 The laws of the universe do not permit contradiction. What holds for God holds for you. If you believe you are absent from God, you will believe that He is absent from you. Infinity is meaningless without you, and you are meaningless without God. There is no end to God and His Son, for we are the universe. God is not incomplete, and He is not childless. Because He did not will to be alone, He created a Son like Himself. Do not deny Him His Son, for your unwillingness to accept His Fatherhood has denied you yours. See His creations as His Son, for yours were created in honour of Him. The universe of love does not stop because you do not see it, nor have your closed eyes lost the ability to see. Look upon the glory of His creation, and you will learn what God has kept for you.

I had to wait until I was through crying before I could write anything. I cried in joy and in sadness, joy that this is true and sadness that I cannot remember this. We are the universe, God and I and my creations; we are the universe of love. Oh my God, I long to remember this, to feel it, to know it. And from what Jesus says, this must be pretty simple since the universe of love does not stop just because I can’t see it, and my closed eyes have not lost the ability to see.

Everything real is still there and operating as usual. God still exists, and we still are in God and part of God. Our creations still exist and still love us. We have closed our eyes and imagined a world that is not love and are pretending it is real, pretending so well that we believe in our own illusion. How different this world of ours will look when we accept the truth and wake up, first within the world, and then from the world. And awakening from the world we will find ourselves back in God’s loving embrace, back with our creations, back in the universe of love. We will discover we never left except in our imagination.

When I read this phrase, “See His creations as His Son” I thought about something that has been occurring to me more and more often. I will see someone, a stranger maybe, and though the first impulse might be to judge, I am also aware of something else. I have the thought, “That is me standing there,” and with that realization comes a rush of love. It doesn’t stay, yet, but it was real for a moment. I think I am beginning to accept that we, the many of us, are one. I know I have said this and I have thought this, but now it has found a home in my mind and I am beginning to believe this. As I begin to see everyone as my self, I am getting closer to the memory of Love that is still in my mind.

(There is a YouTube video that has always touched me deeply and that I go back and listen to over and over. I didn’t know exactly why, but I think it is because it reminded me that I am part of the universe and the universe is in me.

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